I keep thinking I need to update and then my life gets in the way. However I cannot believe its been two weeks..Shees! Sup with that?
We continue to work on the house and sometimes I feel like we are making progress and other times I feel weighed down with how much still needs our attention. I worry I will one day come home and see my man pounding a for sale sign into the yard out of exhaustion. Such a fine line we walk...and unfortunately we are rarely on the same page anymore.
The biggest improvement that comes to mind is we, and I really should not include myself in this project, ripped up the carpet in our master bath and tiled it. Again...I went to the store with JK and TK but that pretty much is the extent of my involvement. Wait! I did make sure there was a variety of beers and deli meats for the workers lunches and that was huge!
This is our amazing tile man checking out his work. |
This is our kickass inspector giving it the tail's up. |
I wish I had taken the before photo but I get so excited about a new project I cant think clearly...anyway it really turned out lovely and makes the bathroom seem oh so wonderful! JK has been stuck trying to redo baseboard and paint in the tiny toilet room before setting the toilet but it refuses to fit. There has been considerable swearing and moaning but he finally got it to work and we are moving on.
Last week my mom had colon surgery and that seemed to consume quite a bit of my week. She is on the mend however and I am amazed at the technology available now. A robot performed the surgery (with some help) and it took over 6 hours. Crazy huh?
I wish I could tell you I have been busy creating but this time of year all I can think about it Christmas and finishing projects or making decorations and gifts.
I quickly sewed up this cute petutie for Ky's care package to help him get in the mood while away from home. Nothing like snowmen to make one smile!
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and while it is probably my least favorite holiday...(seriously people its just a big ol dinner) and sometimes it feels a bit forced. I invited Timothy and Jammie over because I really hate holiday cooking for 3 people. They invited their roommate Jaclyn and of course Wolfgang hopped in the van. While they arrived a bit later than planned and Timothy had our car so he stopped to pick up his gdma.... I think it went really well. Food was good and company was too. I have been cutting back on what I eat and I must say felt pretty darn miserable afterwards. I think that is just part of Thanksgiving and today we are back on track. I did not ask everyone to tell what they are most thankful for this time. I seem to be the one that likes that tradition the most but didnt want to annoy my guests. I personally am most grateful to have such a nice home in a wonderful neighborhood and town. I also like that at least one of my sons can make a quick drive to my house for dinner occasionally. It has been years since that was possible and it really is nice.
I did some Christmas decorating today just to see some old favorites that did not make it out of the boxes last year. Its always a challenge to try and find the right places for treasures in a new house. I rewarded my 'hard' work with an eggnog and we are now feeling like the season is upon us. I did not turn on the cds out of respect for Rande..boy he hates Xmas music...plan to save those for when we 'do' the real tree.
We plan to kick back this weekend a bit and enjoy the 80 degree weather. They have an art festival in Old Town tomorrow and its always a good reason to pull out the bikes.
I am also thankful for all of you. xo