I have come to the conclusion I have lost my blog reading homies and I have to wonder why. Has my blog become too repetitive, boring, too far between or has everyone simply lost interest...? I thought about giving it up but talked myself into another go round. I truly do enjoy the few blogs I read so maybe its not personal.
We have had company from MN for the past week and I think there is less sunshine in SoCal now. They loved being outside soaking it up everyday and said it was the best week ever. One day during their visit it was -24 degrees in MN and 75 degrees here. Do you suppose the 90 degree difference helped make it the 'best week ever?!" lol I really tried to come up with fun things to do that might interest them and also give them a feel for our town. We did the farmers markets in Palm Desert and La Quinta...the street fair in PS and of course outdoor dining at Las Casuelas. Hiking one day and biking the next...BBQing, hottubbing, and lots of drinking.
Beers and sweet potato fries at Hogs Breath Old Town! |
I will say it feels good to be back to just us and our somewhat normal routine. We are hoping we can get our front yard finished before Feb. arrives but we just seem to be lacking the focus and energy. Hopefully Timothy will return soon because he is a great motivator for us both. Also a very hard worker and we would be lost without him with all these projects. xo
Timothy digging trenches for sprinklers. |
We had hurricane force winds this past Sat. and oh my gosh it was unbelievable! Trees down everywhere, power out in PS and the dust and sand were flying so badly you could not stand be outside. The winds were tossing everything in our backyard like toys and blowing over our potted plants. We spent yesterday cleaning up the mess and putting everything back and vacuuming all the sand that blew in our windows. Dang! Today we finally got some rain and hopefully it washed everything down a bit. Definitely having a bit of winter and its a good thing.
Cindee brought creamy wild rice soup from MN for us and its the perfect evening to make it. Its also my honey's 64th birthday! "Will you still feed me, will you still need me, when I'm 64?" (Its a cute Beatles song...) I feel badly its not a very exciting day for him and the big gift ended up being us shopping for new slippers. This is a little known fact but if you are a man you better get slippers for Christmas because it is the only time of year the stores sell them. Why you ask? I ask the same question and have no reasonable answer. Women can buy them all year in 50 gillion different styles and colors but for men...Christmas only item. Dumb dumb dumb.
I did find a pair of cool Woolrich slip ons for me on clearance...and its not even my birthday! I just cant help myself when it comes to shoes and there will never enough in my closet. I know, right? Shameless. Remind me to show you the adorable flats I found at Macy's...love em!
For Jks birthday cake I made a lemon meringue pie and used lemons from our neighbor's new tree out front. They are Meyer lemons so very sweet and juicy. I do not know what I did differently...boy I wish I knew...but this pie came out so darn delicious. The filling is creamy and you cant help taking another bite. I dont usually brag about my cooking because I am definitely not the best cooker. This pie would make you think differently. Yum...
Happy Birthday JK! | |
I have a new sewing project I am working on and will share it with you next blog. I am pretty excited about it and having a great time in the process. OH and we also both just received our California drivers licenses in the mail. (Thank you sweet Jesus my eyes are open and I dont have to spend 4 yrs with penned in eye dots!) Its official we are now locals again...isn't it crazy that I got the same license number I received when I was 16 yrs old? This old state saved it for me knowing one day I would be back...I guess I have come full circle and I must say it feels fine.
Would love to hear from any of you still here...hello? Are you out there?! If yes, thanks for dropping by.