As all of you know Grace has a very strong attachment to me...ok obsession with my whereabouts. As a mom whose darlings have flown the nest I find her endless love comforting. My man on the other hand finds her devotion to me annoying. Of course after a glance at his photo
we can all see where his heart is at. The two of them are inseparable...

So here is my problem lately...Grace has become even more neurotic and anxious over us being apart. I realize we have moved this year way more than any pet should have to. Honestly tho if the CAT can handle it why oh why is it making her so nuts?! She comes into the bathroom to peek around the shower curtain to be sure I have not sneaked out and will rise from a dead sleep if she cannot see me. The other day she had an anxiety attack in the car and could not breathe or stop shaking. So here is my question to you and it pains me so to even consider it. On May 13th she and Chloe were curled up together in their bed driving to San Diego. I parked the car and carried Chloe into the vet's while Grace waited anxiously in the car. I can't help but wonder if Grace is missing her and somehow fearful of being left behind because Chloe did not return? I don't understand what she is going thru but will admit there is a definite change in her personality and I feel badly about it. Maybe she just needs a permanent home and yard to be happy again and THAT I can understand.
On a brighter note the sun is shining brightly today and the water is beautiful and sparkly. Its the first day since we arrived that I have been comfortable enough to put shorts on. I miss being warm and sitting outside in the evenings. Maybe this is the week that we can do that and I look forward to the chance.

Thanks for dropping in!
sweet little Gracie, I bet she does miss her pal. Time cures all....if not consider a dog whisperer?? Settling down may help too. <3