I hope you are not tiring of yard/house updates yet...we are SOOOOO close to being finished in the yard we can actually see the light. Good thing too because we are oh so tired of all this manual labor and dirt! The other day I was shoveling rocks to fill a planter and then carrying buckets of crushed rock to the side yard. I hate to admit this because I have always been the strong-hardworking-plowthefield-kind of woman...I could barely move afterwards. Everything hurt and mostly my pride because what I use to do without thought now takes me to my knees. I just hate feeling old...well truthfully I hate looking old too.
Do you know what I wear the most when I am walking Grace around the hood? My smile.
I just received my new glasses and they are the type that turn into sunglasses when you go outside. How cool is that? I love that I can go outside and not have to go find my sunglasses and then come back inside and not have to wonder where I left my real glasses. Cool beans I'm telling you. Of course the bad thing is they do not work in the car...oh well, they do work in the house/yard. I would show you the before and after pics but I have really BAD bed hair this morning and I want no photo proof that Jerry has to look at me like this. Don't you wonder what you did or dreamed to cause your hair to get so darn crazy when you really felt like you were just lying there quietly?! My man mentioned me snoring the other night...so last night I woke up because of it...but when I opened my eyes the snoring continued...I was delighted it wasn't me after all! (Well last night at least!) There is the cause of the crazy hair to worry about...
Anyway I have before photos ready and I will post the 'completo' photos in a week or so, of the yard and then you will be up to date. We will be golfing, biking and playing in the future and no photos necessary. Timothy if you are reading this, we cannot thank you enough for all you have done to help us get to this point. Love you boy! Have I mentioned he has to use a pick axe just to dig a hole big enough to plant anything? WORSE dirt/clay ever! It has really taken the fun out of gardening when digging a hole is like drilling into cement.
I have completed 18 blocks for my story piece and I think 3-4 to go before I begin the garden scene...is it a bad thing that no one seems to get what I am doing except Cindee and me? I had a couple of friends look at it and I could tell they were thinking 'this is different' in a bad way. I try to take comfort in the fact that if an artist is painting something even I have wondered what the heck is that? When I feel really discouraged I call Cindee and we begin to talk really fast and loud about it (creative adrenalin!) and I know she gets me and my work and the world is good again!

Here are some of the blocks simply because I needed some color and visual aids for the blog. I know it seems confusing but just you wait~I am going to blow you away! (hahaha such false confidence!)
Remember that hayrake I was so excited about last summer in Minnesota? Remember me telling you I wanted to put it on a wall and every holiday I would hang things from it? Do you want me to wait while you go back and figure out what I am talking about? Just kidding!
Well here it is ready for Valentine's Day with a collection of hearts...
I just wanted you to see I did follow thru even though I didn't share it at Christmas with its delicate ornaments from Germany on it. Not sure what I will do for Easter...better look on Pinterest for ideas.
We have the blinds lady coming this morning with ideas for our masterbdrm windows. Its the only room that we didnt replace and now the one over the door is broken. Kamolz luck for sure. I am trying to decide if I should go shower quickly or just put on a baseball cap. Retirement is one tough decision after another! Thanks for dropping by!
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