I saw this on twitter and it made me want to share it on my page too. Timothy and Jammie flew to Denver last week to spend some time with big bro Rande, see friends, and hang out in some of their fav places..of course which pretty much meant bars and breweries. They say they had a wonderful time and tk realized he misses living there seeing as its the one place he has lived the longest. Get rid of the parents and you can actually stay awhile! So on Tues Timothy went back to work for 5 weeks and it began with a concert in Denver. Rk posted this photo of tk at the show and I thought it said so much more...he posted 'my brother the fancy sound magician'. I know rk is so proud of him and this adventure he is on and amazed just how really good tk is at what he does. I also know tk well enough to know that he loved having his brother there to share his new life with. They have a common bond of interests that keeps them close and this had to be important to them both. It also gave us a really good idea of what Timothy's office looks like! What an awesome journey he is on and one he will treasure forever.
Well I finally had my cancer surgery this week...I was thinking a bigger cut than the biopsy so a bit bigger bandage than last time but still no big deal. So I dressed up and made plans to take my mom out to lunch. This skin cancer was only squamous so they simply remove more to be sure its gone.
I was NOT expecting this...of course I continued on to my lunch date because in this town I am sure everyone sees much worse!
I distinctly asked him to cinch up some of the wrinkles NOT pucker them and make it even worse!
Good golly! I have been wishing it was Halloween because this would be awesome with a scary costume...so believable! I had a friend joke if I could get band aids to stick to the wrinkles and I might have thought it was funny if I wasn't already wondering the same thing! :^<
Thought you could use a nicer photo after the neck so here is my cute mom at our lovely lunch! It was delicious and fun to return to Melvins where we dined often when I lived in PS the first time.
We have decided to meet for lunch once a month for a girls outing and of course try out nice restaurants.
I will end with a small random blessing that came my way yesterday. I am working on the Yosemite/camping piece and I still had a piece of 'river fabric' left over from the Yosemite piece I made for Eric, and was trying to use it. It was too small so I have been trying to figure out how to place a tree over the seam and a big rock where it doesnt meet the edge...you know...trying to be creative and cheap. I have not seen this fabric again and its just the most dramatic water colors~ I love it. See what I mean??
I was getting started on sewing it all down when JK asked me to run errands with him. When we returned he came in with the mail and there was a package for me from Gugi. Inside wrapped in tissue with a note saying 'saw this and thought of you'~it was the beautiful river fabric.
What a sweet friend and could it have come at a more appropriate time?! A lovely blessing falling on me... reminds me to do more random acts of kindness and make someone else's day a bit wonderful. Thanks Gugi! Love you!
Thanks for dropping by...
First....your Yosemite piece is just gorgeous!! You do such an amazing job with those fabrics. I love how fate works and shows up so unexpectedly!
ReplyDeleteI go to the dermatologist tomorrow so you can imagine how your picture disturbed me! On the next of all places, it just made me shudder. Poor baby!! Did you even know you had a suspicious spot there? I haven't been for 2 yrs so I'm kinda scared! I had to laugh at the first picture of you...I've never seen that look on your mouth before!!!! Funny!!!
Your mom looks wonderful. Great idea to do the monthly lunches, lifes too short not to.
Have a lovely week!!!!
Sorry, meant to say NECK not next!!
ReplyDeleteOh man didn't mean to scare you with my 'next' photo. It was a small sore that would come and go but never heal. I have had it for a couple of years because it was one of those that when it was not sore I forgot about it. When I looked up squamous cancer they actually list this type of nonhealing sore as a symptom...dumb of me to not take care of it sooner. Not sure what the smirky smile was about..I simply look awful in most photos now and seem to constantly delete unless I am far away! I hate growing old and smirky! ha!
ReplyDeletewhoa sis some nice pics on this blog..cool to see Timoteo at work.. sounds like you're as bizee as ever...hope these trips to the doc start becoming far and few between
ReplyDeleteGood news, clean bill of epidermis health! I am super happy with my new Doc, he was sooo nice and sweet. He didn't make me feel bad for all my abuse at all : )
ReplyDeleteYea you Janet! So glad to hear you are good to go and sorry for scaring you. I am anxious to get the stitches out as it has begun to itch like crazy! Isn't it a wonderful feeling every time you find a doctor you really like? xo
DeleteLove the monthly meals with Mormor, what a fun idea. Wish I could go with you guys too.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the neck. Everything will fix up fine, and I'm sure once it gets the chance to heal it won't look half as bad.
Timothy is a pretty cool guy. Glad to see he's still getting a lot of work.