Sunday, April 7, 2013

'Its a lovely day in the neighborhood...'

Our lives have been busy since I last wrote which is a good thing.  I find myself thinking when summer arrives I will have plenty of time to take naps and float in the pool.
Our visiting or part time friends are all beginning the process of returning home. Our MN friends left the end of March so we managed to squeeze a few more happy hours, bike ride, and hike into the schedule to last us until next year.
Rande arrived the 25th and the five of us hiked Box Canyon. It was a wonderful day and an impt one for J and me. While he was at Mayo our friend John added to his doctor board a photo he had taken hiking Box Canyon. All the hospital staff and doctors asked J about it and would add 'lets get you well enough to do it again.'
Last year with Timothy and Jammie
This year 
I doubt if our friends plan to hike with us again after this day. I tripped and fell right off the bat and landed on a rock on my knee cap. They were sure I would want to go back to the car...but of course I wiped my tears and trucked on. I am not a quitter. Then a bit down the hike J's sole came off his hiking boot. It had simply rotted and fell off! We laughed and he continued on until the other one also came off. Seriously?!? He said it was like walking in moccasins...again they were sure we would want to turn around. J is not a quitter either and we finished the hike. We were a bit slower than last year but that is life now. Great day and an amazing accomplishment for Jerry.

Ky had his interview with AA and felt it went as well as could be expected and is enduring the long wait to hear from them. He also has a final interview with Alaska coming up on the 16th~ how nice to have a back up. We are all praying, crossing fingers and sending positive energy that he gets hired and gets another chance to begin again.
His first unaccompanied flt to DFW...he would be perfect for the job!  
Got a chance to go back in time and went to a Boz Scaggs concert in Palm Desert. I loved it and the musicians in his band were all so talented! Its such a thrill to experience artists enjoying their passion. Boz still has a great voice and brought back wonderful memories for me.

We had Easter dinner and my mom's birthday here on the 31st. She turned 88 and is still going strong and throwing parties! It was a laid back day but good food, good wine and way too much to eat! What is it about holidays that makes us always go too far?!?

We also had some sad news...Timothy's dog Wolfgang...(see him above?) got hit by a car. He may lose a front leg and has been really struggling to heal. We went over last weekend to help them move and it was so sad to see him just lying there. He could barely hold his head up but he definitely knew how to wag his tail. Aren't dogs the best?! I hear from Jammie he continues to gain strength and hopefully our bundle of cuteness and energy is coming back. Speaking of adorable dogs...
Gracie enjoying a beer at the brewpub!

Our dear friend Ingerlise is here for a long weekend and its always fun to have her. It was raining in Seattle so she is delighted to be in the sunshine warming up. Yesterday we went to the Indian Wells Art Festival and both bought beautiful glass vases. I cant wait to pop some flowers in mine and class the joint up. 
Remember my wonderful rose garden we have been working on? Well look at it now! I just love sitting outside enjoying all the colors and fragrances the roses offer. May cut a few to try out the new vase today!
Hope you are all well and happy...and thanks for dropping by~


  1. 1. You & Padre are such stuuuds! Great job with the hike : ) Does this mean you'll go WITH me next time I'm around?

    2. Thanks for the positive thoughts! I figure either way, it is a huge determining factor in my fate.

    3. I hope Wolfie is doing better and better. I'm wishing he doesn't have to lose his little leg.

    4. That vase is HUGE! And gorgeous! Put some lilies in there? : )

    5. Wow, I guess all that buttaching getting the roses established (broken water line, etc) was totally worth it, because those things look amazing. Well done, green girl.

  2. Ky aren't you the sweetest boy for all your kind comments. Thank you! So glad I still have a son following me! I have to tell you I have made myself sick worrying about AA. The longer it takes the more I lose hope. You did the best you could and that is all one can ask. Its just so perfect for you I cant stand the idea of the answer being no. Saying more prayers every day! At least we will know one way or another in the next 3 days....xo
