Wednesday, June 12, 2013

another day of killing time...

I have been in the worse slump for over 2 weeks and for no apparent reason. I wake up early thinking this will be the day I return to the old me. I have been lethargic, lazy, moody, depressed, napping and simply killing time. It kills me to fix dinner and I dont even want the usual 5 o'clock glass of wine. What the heck has happened to me?! I have to force myself to sew and it never fails I take my phone and ipad with me and off I wander. Any suggestions on how to break the slump that dont involve money or drugs?!  Geez I even went shoe shopping and came home with nothing. I must be dying and don't know it.

Have you ever noticed when you read a dark intense book it overpowers you? I have been dreaming about the characters and get lost in their sad events. I am reading one of those books after just finishing one and it may be part of my slump. Maybe its time for a happy ever after story and see if it helps.

I spoke (emailed) Isenhower winery today and they have artist receptions Sun ~Thurs.  We were originally scheduled to arrive in Seattle on a Sunday before noon but Alaska just sent us a msg that our flt had been changed. So now we are there when the tasting room is not even open...waaah! So I called Alaska and asked if they could move our flt up a day due to the change without charging us. She was delighted to! Yea Alaska!
So J and I are all happy that everything is coming together and the winery says YEA to having a reception on Sept. 1st! Not even 20 minutes go by and my mom calls to say she misread her reservation and wont be arriving home from Tahiti until the afternoon of the 1st. This is of significance because she is our pet sitter and Gracie and Buster were going to grandma's while we are gone. So while the high of everything coming together is over I just need to hire someone to come be with the babe girl. She would howl and cry all night long if left home so guess I better get busy. Its always something right?! Here she is practicing her sad "why do you want to leave me?" look. Dont you love Big Fat Greek Wedding because the dad keeps saying that when he isn't spraying windex on everything?!

As much as I hate facebook and its constant struggle to know too much its kind of crazy how people from your past come knocking on your friendship box. I think about getting off of it all the time but I have a handful of friends that would only be names I use to know if I did. Its kind of fun to see friends' kids grown up and how we are all passing time. I have yet to post photos of how I have been passing the past few weeks. I would definitely deserve to be defriended if I did.  Maybe today is the day I snap out of it. Wish me luck.
Thanks for dropping by.

Ok here is my afternoon update...
J-man came into my sewing room with his side kick Buster to tell me something. They laid down and were both fast asleep within minutes. See! Its not just me!
I finally finished piece number 11 for the show. I have made 4 of these because I think they are pretty darn cute but I gave away two and sent one to Tahiti. It will look adorable in our aqua bathroom after the show so I made one more. However by the fourth one I am bored and having to make myself work. No more. The good news is I have completed one more piece for the show and not taken a single nap!

1 comment:

  1. Cute fishes, he looks like he's wearing a puffy sweater :-P

    What have you done to my energetic little pup?! Do you need me to come over & watch them?
