Friday, June 7, 2013


 Do you know I grew up with the Lovin Spoonful and I always thought the words were 'back of my neck getting burned and pretty'... Guess that is a Calif girl hearing what she wants to hear! Crazy huh?
Ok you get the point...its June and its summertime hot. Today is suppose to reach 109 which is uncomfortable if you are trying to live a life outside. The worse part of temps rising is that it stops cooling down at night and it makes a huge difference in comfort. Our new sunshades sure are helping keep the house cooler and the patio usable. We have had lots of wind lately..J says windiest year he can remember. Makes for constant blowing dust and sand when you didnt get rain all winter. Ok enough weather talk...I sound like I am from Minnesota or something.

We had a wonderful visit with Gugi and Eric and managed to do lots of talking, drinking, eating and relaxing. The weather was wonderful for eating dinner outside and enjoying desert pool life. Whenever I suggested we go somewhere they said they would rather float in the pool and relax. It didn't hurt that Timothy shared a dozen of his home brews with us and it takes time to fully savor them!

 J and I both worried they were bored but they were smiling when they left so guess it was fun.
We did go up the tram one day and picniced and I loved it up there. Nothing better than the scent of pine trees and clean air. Wish we had more time to get off the beaten path and really hike. Another time.

For Gugi's actual birthday we went to a local restaurant, Lavender, with twinkly lights under a canopy and delicious food. It may be my new favorite place ~ We had such a lovely evening with good friends and drove around with the top down singing on the way home!! Some things never change with Gugi and me...thank goodness!

Isn't she beautiful?! You too Eric!

I have made so many wonderful friends in my life but some seem to have expiration dates and don't make the long haul. I am so blessed this friendship has lasted for so long and continues to grow. Love you Gugi!

Friends for 40 years!

A glass of wine and my boyfriend.

I quit sewing with company here and didnt get back into it last week so now I have lost the mojo again. I am hoping it will change soon because I really need a few more pieces. I have also submitted an application to La Quinta Museum gallery. They are having a juried art show and are taking 25 locals' work and hanging it from Oct to Jan. It would be very cool to be chosen but I know for a fact there are lots of artists in the area. The director said she was 'exceedingly pleased to receive photos of my work' so that sounds hopeful.

J cleaned his desk out and found a letter written almost 26 yrs ago by his dad. Emil was telling us 'he sincerely approved of his newest grandson and couldn't wait to show the girls at the bank". That would have been Timothy and the entire letter had such a sweetness to it. He had just picked his first tomato for his sandwich and it weighed in at 10 ozs. The simplicity of his life 26 years ago being retired in a small farming town in MN...I found myself tearing up wishing I had paid more attention to him, been kinder, visited more...I found myself wishing I could have one more conversation with him.
Lately I have been feeling sad about our relationship with our boys. You spend every minute of your day raising them and trying to do the best job you can. When they become adults you actually hope you will be friends and choose to do fun things together. This past year our boys have been going in so many different directions and all trying to find their ways. I have to check my computer or phone for a tweet, or text or email to even know anything about them. Our phone calls are infrequent have become a bit uncomfortable with the long pauses and me trying to fill the silences. Instead of becoming friends it seems we are merely people they feel obligated to. I decided today to just stop checking and let them be. Maybe this detachment is our future but we surely cant expect our sons to make us happy or we are setting ourselves up to be sad.  Its just disappointing when life doesnt turn out as we hoped. I have even tried to win them over being nice to the women in their lives. Pretty sure neither thinks of me as their friend~ just their man's mom. I think our boys are all good young men. I just wanted our lives to intertwine as friends.  I wonder if someday they will wish for one more conversation as well.

I hear from my friends in MN that it wont stop raining and they had the worse winter ever. Maybe its a blessing that we wont be returning this summer even tho it still feels a bit sad. Its only June but I do remember having a summer or two when we lived there that the sun merely visited occasionally. Four seasons are wonderful if you actually get them all! I seem to be addicted to weather talk today and I apologize. Sing with me... Hot Town, Summer in the City....
Last update is all three boys have recently relocated and each time I remember just how much I dont want to move again! Timothy stayed in Carlsbad but into a bigger house and we went over to help. Ky moved from Moscow ID to Phoenix AZ hoping to begin again someplace with options. Rande put everything he owns into storage in Denver. He has gone on tour and has no idea where he will call home. We wish them all happiness and success wherever they end up.
Thanks for dropping by.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, glad to see a new post! I think one a month is too infrequent, but who am I to complain ; )
    Wow, it looks like the birthday wkend went wonderfully, and you were worried. Love the pictures, you all look very happy.
    Instead of writing you all these things I want to mention I think I'll pick up the phone this morning and call you. Maybe around 10-11 my time? You can call me too if its convenient. I am.....unpacking! Would love the distraction. xoxo
