Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy birthday Timothy!

Well here I am and its been another two weeks since I last posted. Could the fact that I am always surprised how much time has passed also mean summer is rushing by too? Sure doesnt feel like it but I am pretty sure we are at least half way thru it. That's a good thing.
We made one more trip to Fallbrook last week and were all together again. Never quite sure when that will happen so I am always requesting a photo. It wasn't the best visit weve had but hey that's family...always something.
It was great to have Ky come home and we found time to catch up and also have a bit of fun. Timothy and Jammie had a nice BBQ and it was perfect SD weather. Loved the cool ocean breezes after the hot temps we have been having.
This week I finished my last piece for Seattle and am trying to get all 12 ready to go and squeezed into a suitcase. Some need hangers and some need clasps on backs to hold them in and just last minute details. I feel kind of sad and let down because I stopped having fun. Maybe it was just too many in a short time or maybe I am ready for a new hobby. Maybe 'I just need a couple days off!"
Best Huey Lewis song ever! Anyway here is the last one...

J and I drove up to Idyllwild yesterday just to get out of the heat and be outside again. It was a blue grass festival and must have been 100 motorcycles parked in front of the beer garden. It was 90 but if you were out of the sun it was heavenly. Its such a funny eclectic little town and yet people are nice, relaxed and just want to be who they are. A neighbor went up a few months ago for the first time and said she hated it~bunch of hippies.
This rock was at the end of our street when we lived there and our Goldie would climb it. We have since taken numerous family photos on this rock.

I guess we all see something different depending on whats in our hearts. Have you ever seen the movie Life as a House? We watched it while Ky was here at his request and its one of my favorites. I highly recommend you see it. Anyway in the movie George  has his teenage son help him build a house. Pretty soon there are lots of friends and family helping and its just so cool to watch the process of working together. J said he would love to build one more house like that...nothing big and fancy just more about the process and working together. All five of us helped finish our house in Colorado and felt great pride in that. So while we were up there we looked at lots just in case someday it became a real dream come true. You never know and a life without dreams just bores me to death.
Doesn't the love bug look great in the manzanita and pine trees?! Wait ~she looks good everywhere!! This was a lot we looked at and it was pretty sweet. Just need to get my lottery numbers lined up correctly! We are just dreaming of possibilities and fine tuning the bucket list. It feels good to think of this in our future because it means we are still together working on something.
I did see this sweet little casa driving thru town and she was adorable. They have written sayings all around it and it was obviously loved. I want one too. We could live in it while we build!!
Yesterday our baby boy Timothy turned 26 and I just wonder where all those years have gone. He was the sweetest, cutest, most affectionate, helpful little boy ever. I hope the year ahead is amazing and his dreams come true too.
Thanks for dropping by...

I need to update that Mountain Center, next to Idyllwild is on fire and only 5% contained. The smoke and ash is so bad we cannot go outside right now. Its blowing down the mountain into the desert. The sky is dark with smoke and its oh so sad to think of the firemen trying to fight this. It has been such a dry winter who knows when and where it will stop. Prayers being said for everyone in the path.
~Its Wed now and the fire has grown to over 14,000 acres and there are over 2200 firefighters on the mtn. They say its heading east toward PS which is a good thing because not as much to burn and Idyllwild remains safe.


  1. yet another good blog guys do get around

  2. very good. I love the family picture, you all look wonderful as always.
