Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hello August..thank you for being so lovely!

I flew up to SEA last week to hang my work in Isenhower wine tasting room. The walls are painted a very ugly brown which did not compliment any of the work. The walls were huge so everything looked ridiculously small. The room was larger than I thought and lots of empty space so I was told to go home and whip up a couple of big ones. Really?!

Also the mgr did nothing to promote me as the artist even tho they have been doing this artist of the month for years. I asked what should I bring and was told nothing. There wasn't a card to put business cards in, no bio, absolutely no mention of my name or a way to contact me. I went away frustrated but took a deep breath and let it go. We go back up the 31st with a reception on the 1st and I can always take something up then. I hesitate to come home and sew more when I dont know if anyone is even looking at my work. My goal was to sell a few to make room for other new ideas.
The positive side is a friend here came to see my work before I left and wants to buy the sea turtles. My friend Ingerlise helped me hang and wants to buy the rooster. Neither sale would have happened w/o the wine event so there is the silver lining. Also as I had pointed out to me, I am a featured artist in a major city for two months. I am somebody for a minute and wasn't that truly my goal? Yes, I believe it was.

I had an amazing visit with a friend whose husband was in a coma for a month last year. You would never believe what they as a family have endured and he continues to be in and out of the hospital. He went to the 'light' and spoke to angels while in the coma. Their journey is inspiring and their calmness and joy for life make you want to learn how to be better. My friend has transformed herself spiritually and physically to show the world she is a survivor.
She wrote me an email with such incredible insight and advice I want to share some with you.
 "This web of friendships we make over a lifetime are not by random chance.  There are no coincidences, only stories being played out the way they are supposed to.  We are not victims to our stories if we learn the lessons from them. But I believe at some point in time we co-create our destinies with the Divine.  We chose the lessons we need most to reach a more enlightened state while we are here in this "learning ground."  That's why the lessons can be so hard, it is what we are missing most.  The soul is eternal so the sooner we learn the less we have to repeat the same lessons over and over again, becoming a victim to them."
I love this because I have always wonder why people come and go in my life. Have I  done something wrong to make them leave?  Its not personal.  Some stay for the duration nurturing our souls and some are merely here to help us grow and learn.
So rather than 'whip up a couple of big ones' I saw this in my head and knew I needed to create it. I feel these three words are all I need each day to find calmness and the path to happiness.

I love the colors and find they make me smile and feel the joy. Its a keeper.

We are having the nicest August ever...Usually this is the month full timers try to get the heck out of dodge its so hot and miserable. Last year everyone said it was the most miserable Aug anyone could remember. I have been dreading it after the June/July we had. Well its turning out this is more like June with temps in the 70s at night and only going a bit above 100 in the day. Our pool is normally in the 90s by now and its so refreshing at about 87. We are leaving in 3 weeks for Canada so basically we have survived summer. Hallelujah!!!

J and I have talked about how much we are missing our month on the lakes. We are water lovers thru and thru and it soothes our souls to be there.  I contacted the owner to let her know next year we would love to return...with lots of mosquito repellent! Her reply was to tell me they have both recently retired and want to spend more time there and most likely wont be renting it out again. While I feel sad I completely understand their decision. I would never want to leave if it was my family cottage.  I feel we were so blessed to have two summers there and if you saw it you'd know why.  Who knows maybe another door will open to someplace special we can get away to.

We have another fire going on north of us in Banning and its unbearable to be outside with the smoke. The wind was so strong yesterday it blew smoke all the way to LQ and we could barely see the mtns outside our door. The air is so smoke filled its uncomfortable to be outside and again ash everywhere.
The fire grew to 6000 acres in 4 hrs to give you an idea of how fast its spreading. Prayers for our wonderful firemen yet again. What a horrible dry summer its been and we still have a ways to go to be out of fire season.
Thanks for dropping by.
Strength Peace and Joy!

1 comment:

  1. another great blog sis..full of positive energy
