Monday, October 7, 2013

Oh and one more thing!

I forgot to mention that about an hour out of Lake Louise the freight train in front of us had a couple of cars derail. So we sat in this little town on the train for 31/2 hours waiting for buses to come get us and take us the final distance. Rocky Mountaineer could not have been nicer to us for the inconvenience which of course wasnt their fault. We didnt board the buses until around 800 pm and the crew had been waiting on us all since early am. On the bus ride the crew riding with us got up and passed out snack boxes and water bottles and were so cheerful and laughing. All I could think was if this had been an airline crew they would have sat down and said we are off duty now. I could not believe they just kept going and were so friendly and nice. It was so beyond what service people are willing to do now that I was in awe.
OK one last bit of info...since you have all 'listened' to my constant art show conversation. I thought it would be a great idea to show you the pieces that did sell. You are dying to know right?! Well tada...
This last one I had priced at 795.00 because I did not wish to sell it. Its personal and so many details and hard work went into making it just perfect.  I received a call after the show was over and my pieces were getting ready to fly home. A gentleman fell in love with it after a summer of camping and wanted to buy it. I started telling him it was my favorite and pointing out why and he had noticed all the details. So when I said 600.00 he said fine...for some reason selling a piece of my work for that much seemed to validate in my head I am an artist of worth. I do know if it had made the trip home I would not have sold it because my wall seems empty now. People say just make another...but thats like asking Van Gogh to paint another sunflower. Its not fun or creative to try and copy something..its just frustrating. Maybe one day I will feel like making another but for now I feel done. Its as if I had to be someone special for a minute at 60 and boy oh boy I think I did it. Check!
A friend said I should get a business license but right now I just dont feel like being a business. I have given away 4 pieces (for good reasons) since they arrived home and the rest all found a spot.
I am one of the chosen local artists for the La Quinta Museum and the reception is this week. Its a wonderful exhibit and eclectic works of art. I am excited to be included and who knows what will come from it. Here's my entry...
Ok off for a walk so again...thanks for dropping by! xo

I have a small update to make...I sold yet another piece today! I know its crazy right?! This whimsical desert scene was purchased by a neighbor...said she had the perfect spot for it. Nice! Life is good when you are an artist!!  lol

1 comment:

  1. Cher, that's so awesome you've sold so many. I bet it feels so validating but you were always an artist, even before selling anything! Do you still feel like producing or are you taking a break? Oh yeah, the darling ladies!! That turned out so cute. So, you are still working.
    I just returned from Madtown, it was a fun trip. I have had so much company and traveling around that sitting in the home office this morning feels like therapy!! Neal's son comes on Wed-Sun this week and then I really do get a break until the end of Oct. Neal goes to London on business on Nov 3, I am going to join up with him for a long weekend on the 7th. It seems crazy but it's hardly any longer than the trip to SF. In fact it's better because it's direct from Boston. I'm flying Virgin for the first time.
    After London I fly to SLC to see the boys for a few days with a 2 nt stop in Madison on the return......all this just in time to have my parents here for 10 days over thanksgiving. Phew, makes me tired just thinking about it!
    Do you still have Rande living there? How's that going for you?
    Take care, Love to the boys!
