Thursday, October 3, 2013

What happened to September??

I have been 'chatting' with myself that I need to post an update since returning from our PNW vacation. Last night I noticed I managed to completely skip the entire month of Sept and felt motivated to begin again before I have no readers. Sometimes too much has happened and its difficult to break it down in a post. Let me get another coffee and I will see what I can do.
We arrived to beautiful weather and spent two nights with Ingerlise and her friend Mark. They fixed a fabulous dinner and we all got a chance to catch up. The art reception at the winery was a disappointment in the sense that about 8 people showed up to taste wine and none to see my work. It was a beautiful day and probably everyone was trying to enjoy the last days of summer. I had about 10 friends show up and they made it a wonderful day and even bought a couple of pieces!!

After the show we went home with Philip and the girls and had dinner on their dock. They have created a wonderful lifestyle and everything seems to be going perfectly including expecting another girl on the 15th...The girls didnt remember us and it took most of the evening and gifts to get them to warm up.
We were invited back to spend Labor Day with them on the lake and it was heavenly AND hot!

Well and of course this is one of my favs...I was told Megan is a mommy's girl but I turned on my GrammaCher charm and she was mine for the day!

For me the best part of the visit was getting to know the girls again after 2 years absence, the chance
to see their place and enjoy a bit of their amazing lakeside lifestyle... and to see Philip's joy at having us share his life even if only for a day. Did we fix everything that is wrong? No. Will our relationship ever be what it should be? No, and I am eternally sad about that. I love being GrammaCher and they were my chance. We did lower some of the walls between us and thats a good thing.

We spent the next day in Gig Harbor and stayed with our neighbors Aki and Mary. We have never had or never will have neighbors/family like these. Love them always and our visit was wonderful.

Aki ~the chef extraordinaire! I had a family photo but our camera decided to die and I lost it. Guess we will have to go back!
We headed to Seattle to return the rent a car and spend the night in the city close to the train station.
Pike Place Market
Seattle sunset
The next morning we were up oh so early and hurrying in the rain to get aboard the Amtrak Cascades to Vancouver.
Our hotel in Vancouver was wonderful and we were able to walk to Yaletown Brewery for dinner. There was a farmers market going on and just fun people watching even tho it continued to lightly rain. So far our trip has been memorable and we have just begun. I need to kick this day into gear so I will continue with our Canadian vacation next post.
Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Wow, great pictures! I'm glad you broken it up into segments. Can't wait to see more about the trip.
    I'm so happy that you had a lovely time with Phillip and his family after 2 yrs! I know how much it meant to you to get things right again. The girls are just darling and I love the one with the little one loving you up <3

  2. another fun Blog sis...can't wait for the next edition,,,fore.... duck
