Saturday, December 14, 2013

Its beginning to look like Christmas...

We have had a week or two of really nice winter temps! Even had to cover the citrus and pots because it dropped to freezing! I love lighting the fireplace, candles, and wearing thick fuzzy socks...even if its all short lived.
Gracie enjoying the ambiance!

Today was a balmy 61 degrees when Grace and I got up and its already 70 at 1030 am. Not complaining mind you...our morning walk was heavenly.

I have spent most of my free time the past two weeks working on Emily's stocking. It was a big sigh of relief to pop it with some gifts into the mail and be done. Now I am free to do some fun projects and no pressure.
It really did turn out cute!
If you see the other two you will understand why I had to make one more.

Now Philip's girls having matching (yet different!) stockings made by GrammaCher. I hope they treasure them always and one day know me well enough to understand I made them with love.

 I feel ready for Christmas, shopping done, house completely decorated, wine rack full and a few treats out. I just cant help feeling like Christmas is just not as much fun without little kids. The magic of believing and all the sweet programs, projects and parties truly made it amazing for me. As I said before I am saying yes to everything but its just not the same. Christmas is family and dreaming of Santa wish lists...I think this is where grandkids come into the mix. You can continue on with the fun and yet take a nap when you are tired! I am going to have to give up FB again because everyone posts these big happy holiday family scenarios. You have to know its not perfect but still looks like great fun to me. We will be having a sweet low key holiday and its just fine.  It just doesn't feel like Christmas to my heart.

I have had a couple of things happen this week and I am trying to process them and learn the lesson being taught. I had a friend I have known since 3rd grade decide something I said or did a couple yrs ago was not worth staying friends over. I guess I dont care enough to ask so we have just let the relationship go into the trash bin. She has made a point of emailing me to let me know she was here visiting friends which I have not understood. Why tell me if you are not wanting to see me? Well I received a Christmas card this week telling me she went to the LQ Museum with friends and saw my work.  She was complimentary in her words but why did she go to the trouble to send me a xmas card to tell me? Did she have to drive by my house to get there? Yes. Is she trying to hurt me? I still dont understand.
So last night I was just getting ready to curl up on the couch and turn on a Christmas movie. The doorbell rings and its a neighbor I know casually but we are not bfs or anything. She proceeds to tell me another neighbor I invited to our xmas party is not a nice person. Last year she asked this neighbor if my house was decorated inside as tacky as it was outside. She continued to tell me more bad news and said she just thought I should know. Hmm...let me think about this. Who is worse in this scenario, the messenger feeling a deep need to tell me someone talks trash about me, or the person that supposedly did the dirty deed?  I couldn't wait to close the door, pour a glass of wine and remind myself I am 60 and no longer in high school. I dont have to play this game and basically dont feel a need to be friends with either.  Just cant help wondering what is the truth here but also reminded myself not to get involved in neighborhood catfights. I forgot how much I dont enjoy living in tight hoods. As for my other long time friend I decided the best reply to her is nothing. She will simply have to wonder if I received it and how I felt reading it. I am only sharing these because it made me feel sad that with so much going on in the world there are people that need to hurt others to feel good. I now feel like I cant trust either one enough to be friends and really wish I didn't feel so disposable as a person. That's life I guess.
On a brighter note I just had a neighbor deliver a big glass bowl with holly, cranberries and a floating candle. For every mean spirited person out there you will also find someone that is a blessing to you. Look for them. They are people of worth and we all need to surround ourselves with joyful hearts.


  1. Sounds like Christmas isn't starting out on a high note sorry to hear that.....Your messenger neighbor is an ass...who feels the need to pass on gossip that hurts ..shouldn't bother you too much you have so many friends that like you you can afford to lose a couple..if it happened to me I'd be friend less LOL..see ya in a bit

    1. Wow, merry christmas ya' mouth is still dropping open! So sorry you had to go thru any of this, sooo high school. No! Middle school ; )
      So, did either of these horrible neighbors show up to the party and eat and drink all your delicious holiday treats? The nerve!!!
