Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Well hello December!

I have continued to say yes to every invite or event I possibly can this month knowing  how I get overwhelmed without down time. I feel a need to make new friends and broaden my life by stepping out of my comfort zone. I have joined a book club and a local womens art group. We are golfing more with new people and I joined a women's putting group. I didnt want to because I am a terrible putter but I ended up winning the money! Go figure!  I am still going to yoga and loving it. I had an instructor ask in the beginning if I was allright and yesterday an instructor passed by and said beautiful Cheryl. I feel I am improving and gaining flexibility, strength and confidence.
My form definitely needs improvement but I was so excited to be strong enough to do this!
 There is such a calming peaceful feeling when I get done I wish I could bottle it. Our instructor told us to take the feeling with us to share with the time I got home I had already lost it. WTH! I dont know why but J and I have had the cranks this week trying to work on our Christmas decorations. I am hoping to finish the villages today and sit back and enjoy the joy of the season and feel the love. Well and have another eggnog!
Remember us making our xmas tree last year? Well we had bought everything we needed to make one more and ended up stuffing the branches and walking away. So this week I decided it was time to be a tree maker again. Honestly this one is soooo pretty! I have been given a crystal ornament from my aunt since 1998..sometimes two. I have always wanted to do a tree just for them and now I have.

Speaking of trees....check out our lemon trees!
Can you say lemon meringue pie over and over?! We are loaded! No oranges though so maybe next year. I am also hoping they all get taller and offer shade to our train yard.

Before I forget here is the latest photo of newest granddaughter Emily...
While she definitely doesnt look like a Kamolz she is one adorable happy baby! I am working hard on making her a Christmas stocking to match her sisters. I hope the next one I make is for a grandbaby I get to enjoy, spoil and love endlessly. Jerry just said the other day we would really be good at being grandparents. I am so envious of all my friends that get to enjoy their grandchildren. I haven't given up hope but have begun to entertain the idea it might not happen. That's life~ we are not in control!

We had a nice family gathering for Thanksgiving at my mom's. Way too much food and I made 3 pies people were too full to enjoy. When will I learn? They were really good the next day tho so no worries!
Shawn, Stacie, Kaleb, Zackary, and Jacob!

My nephew Shawn and family came from Sacramento area and it was a delight to spend time with them and get to know their boys. A wonderful family for sure and we hope to see them more often.
The boys deep fried a turkey and grandma baked one. We had enough leftovers for an army!
Timothy and Jammie...we got to try some home brews and beers from Timothy's work.
Shawn and Gdma

Rande, Timothy and Jammie spent Friday at our place and the boys worked on the railroad. It was so fun to talk to Timothy about it because his mind was overflowing with creative ideas of what he thought would look good. The sad part is he rarely has the time or desire to come over so they probably wont happen. We continue to grow and improve the set up so who knows where it will go.

Timothy adding rock base and cleaning tracks
The train team!
I had to include our inside train and Buster holding down the track waiting for Santa...

I will try to post again in 2013 but meanwhile go out and enjoy the day~ find that calm peaceful feeling one gets from being loved and having a grateful heart. Thanks for dropping by. Love you! 

1 comment:

  1. whoo wee... the train art is coming along you are SOOO bizzee..I am shamed..I should see you before christmas...we'll see HUGGZ
