Friday, July 18, 2014

Middle of summer

I cannot believe its the middle of July and this morning when I walked the girls it was 78 degrees. That has to be setting records or something. So far summer has not been too bad but we have had a fulltime job inside and it helped us not notice. In an attempt to downsize and eliminate storing so many kids toys we pulled down the legos. Right off the bat I had a friend in MN wanting to buy them for her 5 yr old. So we felt it was only fair to build the sets and bag them so he could put them together with ease. He is 5 and we are not and it was a very difficult job to do.
These are the instructions and boxes of lego pieces we had to work with...

This is what we built...
This is what it looked like 3 weeks later...yes we did do other things but this was a constant project to the point I dreamed I was looking for pieces. While it was a lot of work J and I enjoyed working and spending time together, something we dont do often. I think we are ready to build a house next!lol

That reminds me here is the finished piece I showed you in the last post.

I dont know what anyone else thinks of it but I love it and it makes me smile. I have it by my bed so when I wake up I have instant cheer to start my day.  I decided I am going to remake the Yosemite camping piece next... but better. I have picked out and ironed the fabrics so I am ready...then the legos fiasco got in the way. I loved that piece so much I decided I should still have one in my house and NFS!
Timothy has been asking if we would like to come see where he works so I finally booked a hotel in Carlsbad and we packed up the girls and went. We took all 3 dogs to the beach in Oceanside and I have not laughed so much in a long time. They had a blast!

Gracie has been to the beach but always on a leash and I was shocked when she kept running into the surf! She was adorable! Jetta has never been and wont stop asking us to move to the beach!  Timothy helped Jetta catch a few waves and she has never been happier. Who knew an overcast day at the beach could be so much fun?!

J brought his kite and he and Timothy had fun flying with Gracie chasing the kite and jumping in the air for it! She tried to bite it when it landed in an attempt to save us from the sky monster! Such a silly pup!
The next day we visited Modern Times brewery where T is asst brewer. I was blown away how complicated the process is and how much chemistry is involved. Very interesting tour and wonderful tasting room. You should all give it a visit if in SD. MODERN TIMES BREWERY

I am still going to yoga and still trying to make it part of my daily routine...'oh look there is something shiny!' Obviously easily distracted at home...
I have a yoga 'friend' on instagram with a cockapoo that looks exactly like Gracie. So we take turns posting yoga poses with our dogs. I know, I know. Its just something fun to do...#yogawithourcockapoos Check it out! She is SOOO much better than me but I have fun.

This is suppose to be a tabletop triangle but Gracie started kissing my ear and I lost my flat back!

Its a little difficult with so many coaches out kids when I come down! Jetta is impossible because she just plain flattens me. Speaking of Jetta...62 lbs now. WTH!

How did that puppy get so darn big so fast? Isnt she beautiful tho?! She loves the pool and has endless energy so we are kept busy with her. I get such a kick out of watching her swim...there is such a ballet like rhythm to their paddling. The front and back legs both gracefully kick away at different tempos.  She truly swims in circles looking for bugs, leaves or toys. A funny girl for sure!

 We are definitely looking forward to our Montana getaway next month. I found a house outside Bozeman on 10 acres and its darling. I can hardly wait for the cooler temps and to just let the girls run free. Hopefully we get some good fishing in while we are there. They say Ennis has more flyfishing stores than anything else. Should be great fun and I will definitely do a blog post on it.
I need to run but hopefully will repost before another 6 weeks goes by. My readers are losing interest and I cant blame them!
Thanks for dropping by...


  1. I'm NOT losing interest, keep on posting!!!

  2. Love to keep up with you and all the pictures are so much fun. Love those dogs, I have to live vicariously thru you since I don't have any of my own.
    Looks like your yoga is coming along well, glad you love it.
    I can't wait to hear all about the upcoming vacation!!
    We head to CA to clean out Neals moms house on Wed. Newport Jazz Fest the next weekend. Chrish and Cait come out later in Aug. and will do a Red Sox game and bum around Boston....they've not been so it'll be really fun. Then my folks come out and we will be 5 nts on Martha's Vineyard in Sept. I love our little trips, they break up the monotony!!

    1. Janet your life sounds perfect with all the little getaways and family visits. If there is some time Neal has a business trip maybe i can jump on a plane and come see you. I use to love Boston and its been oh so many years since I was there. Just a thought for an identical cousins weekend!

  3. I'd love to do that! No need to wait for a business trip....just a break in the action. What about the middle of the week when he has his nose to the grindstone, he wouldn't even miss me ;) Weekends and weekdays are all the same to me these days.
