Sunday, July 27, 2014


I have had a love affair with the word Blessings for the longest time. While living in Colorado I purchased a wooden sign that said "May Blessings Fall On You Like a Gentle Snow." One of my most fondest memories was taking a night walk with my man in the first snow of the year. It would be so quiet and still you could hear the snow lightly falling. It was magical and serene...something we still talk about wanting to do again. So to mix that with my favorite word was more than I could resist. The dictionary says its the infusion of something with holiness, spiritual redemption, divine will or one's hope or approval. To me its wishing from your heart the very best to whomever receives it.
As you might recall I began taking yoga classes in Oct and had a friend suggest I also start meditating. So with that in mind I made this small wallhanging of my three wishes for myself each day. These are qualities that I feel will help me be the best me if I seek them daily in my life.

As you might also recall I have spent this year trying to find my path to a better future. I am obsessed with living life bigger and more fullfilling and less routine and playing it safe. I now realize DREAM is my favorite word. I seem to have stopped dreaming of the great perhaps, the why not go for it, the 'are you crazy?!' we have always chased. I think the biggest attraction between J and me is that we have taken so many chances and regretted so few. Chances others would never dream of but we did and we did it together. We supported each others dreams made them our own and thought why not.
If you have dreams you have goals of what you hope to achieve with your life. We have friends in their 60s that just did the bike ride across Iowa...468 miles and one week of constant riding while camping along the way.  While I dont think I can do it, I am so envious of their dream to conquer it together. Their faces as they dipped their tires in the Mississippi was pure self satisfaction. I am so proud of them and wish for J and I to start making our own list of things to accomplish together.  I met a retired fireman on a flight and he said when he retired he was going to play golf and fish in all fifty states and he did it. It doesnt matter what the goal or dream is as long as you set your sights on something and go for it. Maybe that is my path to a better dream again, to not be afraid we are too old or its too much work, that it is easier to just stay home. Just do it and see what happens along the way. 
So I will end here...with Blessings to find the Strength, Joy and Peace in our lives to Dream. Lets all dream big and live life fully each day. Thanks for dropping by~


  1. I love this! Neal started meditating about a month ago at my suggestion. He has been feeling so much stress due to his moms death and his work. He doesn't get up any earlier to do this, he goes to work later ;)
    We have a dream to walk the OR part of the PCT in our next decade. We might just do it but first we have to learn if we even like backpacking!!! We could start at the top and walk straight to our cool!

  2. I am so sorry Neal is having a difficult time. I am sure going thru her house last weekend was very emotional for you both.
    I love your dream of hiking the PCT! We have the backpacks and gear but never really committed to a long hike. I even bought a book about hiking the Appalachian Trail I thought it sounded so amazing. I think anything is possible even if we simply take it at a slower pace. I shall look fwd to hearing all about it! Just do it!
