Saturday, December 31, 2011

So long 2011...

I have been wanting to update but something always seems to get in the way. It only seemed appropriate to get serious tonight since it is the last day of 2011. I honestly dont know what to say about this year except I am delighted to see it go. We have been on some kind of crazy adventure this year searching for home, but honestly I have not found joy in being homeless. Maybe its my age or my mental state but I felt lost like a boat without a paddle. I seem to need security and all the trappings of a home in order to be happy. I am praying to be centered, productive, giving of my time, energized, one of those people that seems genuinely happy and finds the joy in each day.
I want to be my own best friend in 2012...I want to be creative to an extreme. I want to be somebody of worth. " You is kind, you is smart, you is important." Best line ever and something to strive for each and every day. I need a purpose and I promise myself this is the year I find it. I plan to make a difference in others lives with simple acts of kindness.
I want to find joy in life and feel like I deserve that personal high. I find the idea of a new year always seems to offer hope and another chance to go be amazing.

I guess this day of the year has to be my favorite because it is the only one we were all together again. Its so difficult to make something so incredible as a family and then its gone forever but for brief moments of togetherness. Life is an adventure good or bad and what you make it for sure.
Happy 2012 to all of you and may all our dreams and wishes come true.
See you on the flip side...


  1. What a nice picture! It must be nice to be home now!
    I have found, since I stopped working, that doing volunteer work is that thing that makes me feel valuable and fulfilled. I have enjoyed a variety of volunteer jobs, I like to mix them up between meaningful and fun. The theater is fun and I plan on getting back into that here in WI. The senior center and working with the elderly is soul work for me. I am going to put that on the back burner while I get Julianna settled in school. Her college needs parents on different committees so i believe I'll start there. Nothing like filling an actual need at hand.
    Hope your new year is wonderful, you're certainly off to a great start!

  2. I like Janet's comment.
    Timothy looks so cute with his glasses and big smile. I noticed a change in him this visit, so he must be enjoying his new life, at least for the most part.
    Sorry we are scattered all about the West Coast. I wonder what it'd be like to live in the same town as you as an adult. Probably pretty cool.
