Monday, December 19, 2011

What the heck?

I have been thinking about blogging almost daily...Timothy and I even discussed how we both needed to update and I see he actually did it while I just continued to 'think' about it. Where the heck does time go??
We have been busy peeps around here lately and making good progress with the usual bumps in the road. For some reason our HOA has taken us on as problem residents and just don't seem to like the way we are doing business. I have tried fighting back with barbed email replies and now I have moved on to apologetic dumb person. Let's see what works best.
I thought I might start with the REAL Christmas tree (as in not a banana tree) we brought home and the boys getting it lit up and the train in motion. Some traditions never change...

Here we have the usual Buster in a box photo...he loved it because he could even see out once he entered!
Now I must tell you this beautiful tree is one step away from a big bonfire. We seem to have forgotten how quickly trees dry out in the desert and everyday I find another ornament slipping off the dry brittle branches. Not sure if it will make Christmas but no matter what it is coming down on the 25th before we torch our house. :^<

This is our yard this week and I cannot describe how much dust and dirt has entered our house in the process. While they were cutting the cement there was a dust cloud floating out into the neighborhood...guess we will invite everyone to a party soon to get back into their good graces.  Grace seems to be the Vanna White for my photos...she gives you a scale perspective I guess.
The plan is to add paver stones around the pool today and then pour cement tomorrow. Its going to be amazing and we cannot wait to actually sit outside and relax when its done.

Here we have the lovely Gracie enjoying the evening spa time!

Here is the best part of our week and Timothy I apologize we did not fire it up while you were here working your tail off. We owe you one buddy. Cocktails in the spa for the first time after a day of labor...oh is good!

1 comment:

  1. Love the posts! Keep them coming. Looks and sounds like you had a great holiday with all the happy for you.
    We enjoyed our Christmas for 2 VERY much! Juls comes home today and Neal is back at work. It's a 3 day work week for him as they gave Friday for New Years. xoxo
