Saturday, February 22, 2014

9/11 and American

I came across a news article about a young man in pilot training with American Airlines and it brought back so many memories I wanted to share it with you.
While we were living in Bonsall I was a member of the Bonsall Woman's Club and for the year of 2002 I was the spiritual advisor. I would get up once a month before each meeting and share something that would make us all think or simply feel entertained for a few minutes. Here is my reading for that Sept day...

"I know you are all expecting me to entertain you with an amusing story and a good laugh but I felt I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the anniversary of 9/11. It so changed America and how we all live and think. So I decided to share a personal story with you.
Not so long ago there was a woman named Cheryl, as I am, and she lived here in Fallbrook. She had children in school at Fallbrook High School and Sullivan Middle, as I do, and they even had similar classes with my children.
Her son was in Boy Scouts and in the same troop as my sons.
Her husband put on the same uniform to go to work as my husband does. They were both pilots for American Airlines. But for the grace of God this is where our lives separate.
On Sept. 11th 2001 that Cheryl's husband put on his uniform and kissed her good bye for the last time. Not a day goes by that she doesn't miss everything about him.
I am the lucky Cheryl this time and my husband is still here to put his arms around me.
In honor of her husband please...

Dream what you want to dream; Go where you want to go: Be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do."

So here is the awesome part...Cheryl's son Tommy is now 26 yrs old and in pilot training with American Airlines. He said he wanted to be a policeman, fireman or a pilot growing up and when he lost his dad he knew exactly how to honor him. They showed a photo of his dad looking back in the cockpit smiling and his son said I know he is smiling down on me and feeling proud.

What a wonderful heartwarming turn of events. I wish him nothing but blue skies and good memories in his flying career. He is right...his dad would be ever so proud.
Thanks for dropping by...