Sunday, February 9, 2014

Good and bad..

Let me begin this post with some really cute photos of Jetta. I was gone most of the day so J and J spent it out working on the trains. Jetta loves the train yard and when the cars are running she runs along side looking in them. When it stops she barks at the engine to get going.
She picked up a screwdriver to help!
Doublechecking his wiring work.

Helping to clean up his big mess!
Worn out from all the train fun and of course helping!
Jetta is growing like a weed and so full of energy...wish we had just a fraction of it! We are making progress on potty training which makes all the difference in the world. So much more to teach/learn!

I have been fighting the blues this last week and felt the need to nurture my soul in the sewing room.
I combined the colors of the sky and the sun and suddenly all was well in the world. This piece simply makes one feel happier looking at it.
I mounted it on stretched canvas and its about 20x26 so a nice size. I started beading the center and ran out of the triangle bead...went to 3 different stores and no one had it so I ripped them all out and began again. The best part is I usually only see what I have done wrong in my work and with this one I only see what is right. That's a good feeling.
This photo gives you an idea just how many beads I used...

As I told you previously we signed up to do the Tour de Palm Springs again...this time 25 miles.
Our friends from MN said of course so the 4 of us gathered for the big event. They had 9000 sign up to ride and honestly I thnk 1/2 of them were doing the 25 mile ride. It was pretty darn crowded and they changed the route placing us on some busy roads and riding with busy traffic.

We were at 16.7 of the ride when a biker in front of Jerry cut across blocking his vision of the road. He hit deep sand and lots control of his bike and went down...yes again. Poor guy! The bike and lower torso were on soft sand but his shoulder hit the road. He felt he dislocated or broke it and we had an angel in a bike suit stop to help. He turned out to be an EMT and made a sling out of my jacket and told us to get to the hospital. I called my mom to come get him but that left me stranded with 2 bikes. Fortunately a motorcycle policeman arrived and he called for a truck to come get me and the bikes so I could load them up.
We ended up driving to the ER in LQ because the PS one was jam packed with sick, coughing, mask wearing people and J cant do that exposure. So after an exray he has separated his shoulder from his collarbone and we will be calling an ortho dr tomorrow. Pretty darn painful to touch or move his arm and back in the lazy boy to sleep. Rande and I joked he would do anything to get out of the puppy night shifts!

 We are both so sad because this is the best time to be out and about in the desert. I guess the only recreation left for us is Happy Hour with friends. Bar stool jumping?!? I couldn't help wonder if the west nile balance issues were part of the problem but both accidents are ones that happen to anyone. He didnt see the sand and most do lose control of their bikes in it. I guess the silver lining is at least we are trying.
I  simply cannot end with J's shoulder pic so here's a beautiful sunrise we were blessed with this week. Thanks for dropping by~

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow!!!! Sooooo sorry Jerry!!!!! That is just the worst, sand is so dangerous to bikes. I'm sure he'll recover quickly from this one and get back on that darn "horse"
    I can't even look at those pictures of Jetta, she's just toooooooo cute for words!!!!!!!!!!!
