Monday, February 3, 2014

Ah February...the month of LOVE

January turned into a fantastic month of good news and awesome changes.
Let's start with Ky flying to Atlanta for an interview with Delta. They are looking for danish speakers so it seemed like the perfect chance for him to begin a career. He was among 9 chosen out of 60 but the danish interview didnt go as well. They actually call Denmark to do the interview but it was a bad connection and he couldnt hear some of her questions. He felt he was completely qualified in fluency but didnt quite meet the benchmarks. They did however hire him as a FA and said he could retest for Danish speaker when he is in training. We are all over the moon excited for him and he begins training Feb 26th.
He will be perfect for this job because he loves to travel and use his languages, he is more than flexible about where he lives or flies to, he is charming and he is soooo ready for a new adventure. Go be amazing  Ky!
The other big news is we have a new baby and her name is Jetta! She is a 10 week old golden retriever and she is beautiful.

The other side of the story is how much attention a puppy requires...we have not had one for 11 1/2 yrs and have simply forgotten. We also had no idea how set we are in our daily routines and right now everything is about her. We feel blessed we had Rande around for the first 2 weeks to help out with potty training and not crying all night. I have struggled with giving up my early morning sewing and having a clean house. If you know me these are huge issues and I am so hoping I can at least sew again soon.  Everyday we see a bit of progress and she is so happy and loving, its worth it.
A few more photos just because she is so stinking cute!
Our latest decor....plastic prison walls. "hey can someone come play with me?"
She loves the trains and runs along side looking in the cars and barks at it when it stops! Shes a crack up! Need to work on how fast she can get off the tracks tho!

A girl has to have accessories! She empties the toy box daily!

Yep...she is a Kamolz dog for sure!
 Rande leaving on tour with Childish Gambino for a few months and saying goodbye to 'his' girl. We are wondering if he will be able to pick her up like this when he returns. She is growing like a weed and will only be a lap dog in her mind.

 We also had a wonderful visit from our Alexandria MN friends, the Ringdahls. We have been asking them to visit since we left MN and they finally came! Woohoo! We also had our dear friends Lynn and MaryKay arrive the same day for their winter getaway! I was in heaven to have two BFs at the same time and perfect weather thrown in! Thanks Ky for the great MN home shirt to wear!!

 I made dinner, J poured wine, we pulled out the Mexican Train game and topped it off with lemon meringue pie from our tree. It was a perfect evening and I think everyone had fun.

                         The next day we hiked the Palm Springs mountain...what a workout!

Then we all met up for a 25 mile bike ride thru La Quinta and stopped for lunch at SilverRock. Gorgeous day!The bad news is J caught a tire on a curb and got thrown to the ground on the way back. He was pretty cut up and his hand was swelling so we quickly headed for home. I do not know how he managed to continue but he is not a quitter and insisted on riding. Its been a show recovery but he just keeps on trucking! 
Yep. We ended up in urgent care getting his wounds cleaned and stitched. Just not how one wants a great day to end but when you do sports~ stuff happens. The cool thing is the dr came in and said "first let me congratulate you on being active and trying to stay young. Now lets see the damage!" We have managed to ride over 100 miles this month and feel ready to ride 25 miles in the Tour de Palm Springs this weekend with our friends. I am praying for no wind because we are riding east where its an issue. I ride like a snail in the wind and will have to meet them at the finish line!

I thought I would end here with this heart I found one summer...its made from corrugated metal found after hurricane Katrina and I just love it. Hope you all have a month of LOVE and good times. Thanks for dropping by.


  1. What a little doll baby Jetta is!!! (how'd you come up with her name?) I can only imagine how it's turned your quiet life upside's such a big commitment but worth it every step. It's going to make your traveling road trips a bit more cumbersome. How are the others enjoying have a new animal in the house?
    Sorry about the spill Jerry took. I did that with a curb once, luckily without any real damage but pretty bruised ego. It was my first fall on my bike ever. Did he break the hand or just a sprain? Will he be doing the big ride now?
    So happy for Ky! Can't wait to hear all about the new transition. I remember flt attendant training to be about the hardest thing I ever much to learn and remember in such a condensed period of time. Fun though, and the group becomes such a family.
    love and kisses cuz!

  2. Thank you for the sweet shout-outs! Love the uniforms. Won't I look terrific in that red overcoat? Jk, it's just for the chicks (but I'll bet I'm not the first fella to say that ;-P) I am so lucky to have this job coming up; and I really appreciate all of your support. Wait til you have actual pics of me in uniform.
    Cutest puppy in the universe (post-Grace)?! I love that she knows right where the wine is. Thatta girl. Looking forward to meeting her in a few.
