Wednesday, January 25, 2012

day gone awry...

I am presently hanging out (hiding) in the house because Jerry is having a bad day and I don't want to be in sight. It all began when I asked for rose bushes for Christmas. If you know me you know I love love love roses. So I told myself when we moved back to CA I wanted a rose garden. We finally agreed on a planter and where it should be, so when Rande was here he created one with leftover pavers. I needed to replace all the dirt in the planter with potting soil so no roses yet. While Timothy is trenching for sprinklers I asked him to go up the middle so it would loosen the soil for me to dig holes. It seems when I went to dig a hole they forgot and put sprinkler pipe up the middle. So now I still can't plant the rose bushes and I add two more of my favorites to the group waiting. Last week Jerry decides to take up all the pavers and put them back down with sand under them so they stay level. Then we get the big storm and he feels the sand blew/washed away too much so yesterday he cements all the pavers down and makes the planter wider so I can dig holes around the sprinkler pipe. Today he is going to plants my precious beauties and cant dig deep enough in our awful dirt, so he uses a pick axe. Do you feel something bad coming up with this story? I know right??!...Well the pick axe hits a water pipe and begins to fill the planter. It would appear he hit the pool line and the jacuzzi is draining into our yard creating a big mud hole. Poor Jerry...
So now he and the pool fix it man are trying to figure out how to not only stop the leak but fix the problem. I guess I could just give the roses to my neighbor because I am sure after all this my man will never think my rose garden was a good idea. It seemed so simple when I pictured it in my head.
I don't think I will include a photo today...its just not pretty.


  1. omg, def a good day to hide out!!
    One day it'll be all done and you both will forget all the work it took to make that beautiful rose garden.

  2. Aw poor guy!! The poooool, noooo!!!! I'm sorry you're having such a hard time of getting some damn roses in the yard. I agree that a stressful journey makes the end result seem a little less sweet at times, but I'd still go for it : )

  3. Well here it is after 200 the next day and still not fixed. Turns out it is at least 3 holes including the electrical pipe for the spa light. The plumber has been here since 0900 and I pray we are not paying him by the hour. Oh sweet Jesus...all for some roses. Oy vay.
