Monday, January 2, 2012

First Monday of the year!

Oh my gosh yesterday was so beautiful here. We golfed with a couple we met last year from Pasadena, (did you know I was born there?!?) that we so enjoy spending time with. They actually live on a street the floats line up on for the parade! I am thinking I may have to visit them one year to see all the beautiful floats up close and personal. Ok back to the point of this...It was clear blue skies and around 80 of those days that you don't care how well you do golfing~ just to be there.

I have a new plan as part of the new and improved me that I have been thinking about since I saw it on TV. There is an organization called Little Dresses for Africa...check it out. I finally had time to look up the website and they take boxes of little simple dresses people have made, to Africa to give to the little children that have nothing. When I first saw this on Making a Difference with Brian Williams I thought hmmm I have so much fabric I don't use, this would be perfect! My art has taken such a different direction since I first began collecting fabric. I have tubs of flowery, bright, country, you name it fabric that wont ever fit into a landscape quilt. How perfect to contribute my time and fabric to helping such a great organization. They are making a trip in April so I have some time to whip up quite a few little dresses.  I am feeling pretty excited about this first new plan. My second plan is to find a local cancer group that I can make lap quilts for. They are suppose to offer great comfort to patients and its always nice to know someone cared enough.

I have also decided that today I am going to contact the Woodinville winery and tell them I cannot do a showing in March and if possible could I move it to summer or fall. (Seriously much better months to be in the NW than March!) We have several friends coming to see us in the next couple of months and I simply do not have time to make all I need to. If I am going to do a show I want to do it properly and really showcase what I can do. I also want to enjoy this winter here in the desert when the weather is perfect to be outside and active. I want to also enjoy our company and not feel stressed for not working on projects. I feel so guilty everyday about my work and the fact that I still have not found time to start. If she cannot change the month then it wasn't meant to be. I do have two requests for pieces to be made and that is a good place to start.
How's this for new year resolutions?! I will let you know of my progress and hopefully I find other ways to volunteer.
Thanks for dropping by.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful plan in regards to Dresses for Africa! I'm so impressed. Those darling little girls... The lap quilts is also a fantastic idea. Go you!
