Friday, January 27, 2012

Latest work

I notice on all the artist websites I like to peruse they always seem to have a category 'latest work' so here is mine. I mentioned it to you a day or two ago and I feel so excited about it I want to show someone...anyone!! My man needs me to find an artist friend that 'gets me' so he doesnt have to constantly 'come see this'!  He is a good man for being so supportive...
When we bought our house in Gig Harbor our realtor gave us as a gift, an artist that would paint our story around a wine bottle. I must say when she mentioned it to me I thought why in the world would I want that?! So I put off the artist's request for my story info for months...finally I shared pieces of our life together and she was so excited to paint it because she felt our story was different from everyone elses. Duh. When we finally received it I will tell you we both got tears in our eyes when we read her version of our life on canvas. Now it is one of our greatest treasures...
So one morning my friend Cindee, who is the most amazing talented artist I know, sends me this really long text telling me who she is and what she loves. She wants me to make for them a wallhanging with all of this text in it. First of all its scary as hell to make anything for a fellow artist because you constantly worry it wont be good enough. So I tell her I will do it but in my heart I am thinking I cant possibly come up with anything like this..its TMI. So while they were here last week she kept bringing it up and I said I need a visual of what you are expecting and then I will do it.
So she sketches what she sees in her mind as her story and I couldn't wait to begin! There is so much artistic freedom for me to actually have fun making it. I cannot wait to get up in the morning to go make another block or sew what I created in my head last night.
This is the block I couldn't wait to create this morning and I cannot tell you how awesome it turned out! I am having so much fun I can actually feel my soul being nourished! Yea me!
The reason I shared the painting story is I realized I am doing the same thing...telling a family's story and what makes their life complete, but with fabric! Maybe there is a future endeavor to all of this by simply telling the world who you are with bits of fabric, color and threads. If nothing else I am having a blast and that is always a good thing.
Thanks for listening!!


  1. That is so great! I love art; you are such a beautiful person

    1. What a lovely thing for you to say. Thank you.

  2. wow! I love the wine bottle painting what a fantastic idea and so special to you guys.
    I love what you have now done in turn for your friend!! Beautiful! Good for you to get going with your art again, you are so good at it!!

  3. We love our personal story painting and I am hoping my piece turns out so well they feel the same. Thanks for believing in me! xo
