Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Must be Tuesday

Summer has arrived and so far its been rather nice. We have been hanging around the high 90s to low 100s and with AC and a pool no complaints. I try to walk most mornings as the sun is rising and there seems to usually be a bit of breeze and comfortable temps. We have developed by mere happenstance an evening walking group that meets in front of our house around 730. We walk the neighborhood and talk about our days and have become great friends in the process. The other night we all piled into our car and drove to Dairy Queen! Love that place!   Cornelia and Herman have invited us all over for cuppaccinos and belgian waffles this morning. YUM! Cornelia was also a flight attendant so we share stories and have a lot of fun chatting together. I was thinking this morning how much I laugh when I am with them and realized what great treasures to have come into our lives. Reminds me of the saying "A friend is a gift you give yourself"...so true.
The weather has also made it possible for me to be rather prolific in the old sewing room. Someone asked if I sleep and I replied yes but I still dream about whatever I am making and usually come up with some great ideas in the morning!
A friend posted a painting of a rooster on fb and the colors were wonderful so I immediately began to make this bad boy. I know you are tired of me saying this but he really is better in person! For some reason my photo is either washed out or too brilliant. Guess which one this is!?!

So the good news is I am gathering quite a stash of pieces and my goal is to try and get accepted into a local art festival this winter. I just cant give up believing I might be someone of worth artistically~I have phases where I throw in the towel and then I cant find a reason to get up in the morning. Nothing to look fwd to kind of thing. I need this and I want it even more.
I had a friend ask how much for this piece and I felt clueless and embarrassed to suggest one. I always hated asking for money for headsets or drinks on the airplane and it follows me into my art.
Ky said its because my only audience are friends so its too personal to ask for money especially what other fabric artists ask. I am hoping Rande will set up my new website this week so I can post pieces and let others decide if they want to spend that amount without me being embarrassed asking. If he doesn't I am prepared to set up my own...surely I can find a website easy enough for someone of my level of dementia! lol

We are taking a small road trip to San Luis Obispo tomorrow to have our AC in the Westy worked on. Its unfortunate we have to go so far to get this old car worked on but at the same time what a lovely place to 'have' to visit. It looks like its about 30-40 degrees cooler there so I better pull out my winter outfits! (Just kidding!)  We belong to a wonderful winery in Templeton which isn't too far from SLO and plan to do a bit of tasting. If you ever get a chance to try Donati Wines...do it! YUM!

As for the house...hmmm...what's new? JK worked on the baseboards in our bdrm yesterday...been trimming the ficus trees in the backyard...we are kind of at a holding phase simply because the weather makes you want to float in the pool or nap in the hammock rather than do manual labor. JK keeps wondering if its his age slowing him down on projects but he is a pretty darn fit guy so probably not.

OH! I have been meaning to share this with you and never seem to remember once I begin typing. (dementia again...)
As some of you might know I am turning 60 in March and JK is hitting the big ol 65. Kind of a important birthday year I would say. So I have been trying to figure out what exactly I want to do for my big day. I am talking about the big old bucket list. At this point we don't need stuff we need to check off the things we forgot to do before. For JK's 60th we took all the family to Whistler and skied. It was a wonderful time and we both loved being a family again. So last time we were at the PS Air Museum they were selling flights around PS in one of these.

Yep that's right~ I am going to go up in this cutie on March 16th. The thing you don't know about me is I get terribly airsick in small planes. Also the whole idea of me in this open airplane scares me...put the two together and I am challenging myself to go up and keep the breakfast down. I can do it! lol

THEN my real bucket list check off thing is to go to northern Minnesota and backpack and canoe on the Boundary Waters. Over one million acres of nothing but wilderness and serenity. Isn't it beautiful?!?

I had the chance to go with jk, rk and tk about 15 yrs ago and I made the really dumb choice to just camp with kvk instead while they went. WORSE DECISION EVER!! So this is my chance to redeem myself and do something extremely cool and not an old person vacation choice at all. I cannot wait! We are thinking July would be a great month to go and plan to do some research this summer while we are back there.  In a perfect world I want my boys to be there too but I am bracing myself for the fact that they will most likely say they cant afford it. While I understand finances rule the world I also think one misses lifetime opportunities that you can't get back.  Oh well...I have my fingers crossed they can all join us but no matter what WE are going!  How about you? Does this not reach out to you and say YES! I want to help Cher celebrate 60 too! You are all invited but you have to carry your own wine and beer! lol
Thanks for dropping by!


  1. another great story...if making it as a artist wears you down You can start writing for travel social mags....{:O)

  2. Why does this make you want to join us canoeing???!!! Not sure if your sore shoulders could carry much..maybe a fishing pole!

  3. Great post. Neal wants to go in a biplane too. We see one that flys around the Madison area. I've had enough of small planes and have no interest at all.
    I love the back packing idea. Beautiful!! The way to have your dream come true ie: the boys all being there; you have to make it happen. As parents of 20-something, financially strapped kids we have to PAY for them to take part in important occasions. Just think, you have a year to save up for it. Even if it means you help pay for time out of work. Just saying.....it could happen.
    We are planning a family (our kids and their sig. others) vacation for 2013 on Lake Shasta. We had such a great time on the kiddie moon that we have all been dying to get back there together.
    Have fun on the road trip. We leave for the bay area on Friday for 9 days, boy do we need it! Juls leaves for the month tomorrow. We are even going to get a quick trip up to Ashland to see Sam.

    1. You make a good point about the paying if you want them there. Maybe we can all try to save for it and make it happen.
      Lake Shasta sounds wonderful! I loved the photos last time~it looked like a wonderful family trip. Yea you! I want to be in the houseboat following you!
      Enjoy your CA time and just being back 'home' even if its brief.
