Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So and sew

This post is going to be about my latest projects and my new and improved sewing room so I hope you are a little bit interested in that kind of thing. If not, feel free to go outside and play and come back another day.  I totally understand.
I found this pattern last summer in Minnesota and have been anxious to finally make it. I even pictured me making these as Christmas gifts and people thinking "Whoa! These are awesome!"
Well after a week of tedious boring swearing prep work here its my box/leaning bowls. I decided rather than make a lid I would just make a smaller box/bowl hoping I could improve my mistakes on the first one.

While I love the colors and will most likely find uses for both of them I will not be making any more..I just did not have fun and that is essential to me at this advanced age. Fun or get off the boat.

So now I am combining two of my favorite pieces into one and yep I am back whistling while I work!
I am making Yosemite as the background but at night so I can put a big old moon in it. Then in front of the river I will make a camping scene with my cute little Airstream...I can see it all in my head and its awesome so I hope you can too.

I so want to grab that little thread on this photo...

This is where I am so far and I thought you might enjoy seeing a bit of the process...I know hard to imagine isn't it?! Give me a week and it will make more sense.
I went to an art festival this year where a fabric artist mounted her work on a canvas and I have decided I want to try it. You make the piece big enough that it goes around the edges and you attach it on the back. Always something new to try and learn...

So I couldn't sleep one night and came across this woman's blog sewmanyways.com and was so inspired by her creative organizational skills I have spent the last two days working on my artist space. Her theory is the more organized you are the better you work...no wasting time looking for something which I do constantly. I also get very distracted looking for that one item that it can takes days for me to back on tract. Huh??
She also is a big believer in repurposing things and making them attractive in affordable ways. It is such a fun site to check out for cool ideas!
So a friend requested I show some of my improvements...again walk away little one if this is boring.
I added a tension rod for all my ribbons and glue sticks in a jar w/ gun attached.

These hold all (most) of my fabrics and shelves have beads, sequins, paints, buttons etc all where I can find them.

This basket was taking up space in the garage and now it stores all my battings neatly.

I have decided I need one more work table in here so I can have one for my piece I am working on and one for cutting etc. I wish there was a better place for my ironing board too but the twin bed is from my childhood and still the best place to take a nap ever!
 This is my favorite new piece...you can tell from photo above my sewing tray is oh so broken. It falls off and has made what I do that much more difficult. Now I have this wonderful new tray and I can keep this 20 yr old machine humming along until we both die.
Consider yourself up to date on my sewing...subject to change at any moment!

To send you on your way here is a photo from our side yard...I had one of those cute little attach-to-your-window birdfeeders that lasted a week maybe. Well some of the dropped seeds decided they wanted to sprout and viola Sunflowers!
So cheerful that you cant help but smile. Have a great day! Our temps have dropped this last week to the 90s and its wonderful outside. Yep we are off to golf...


  1. I love the baskets!!! It's really too bad you didn't enjoy making them, they turned out beautifully!!!! Perfect!
    Thanks for the update on the projects. I always find it interesting to see what you're up to. You are a busy bee!
    I can't believe the 90's is nice weather....I'm nervous about the 80's showing up again around here. I'm a delicate flower in the heat!
    Juls and I are enjoying our long days doing shopping, hanging out, working out. We're taking advantage of this part of her summer as she leaves on the 28th to PC for a month. Mom and Dad come for 10 days on the 16th, that'll be fun!
    Take care, have a lovely day and week!

  2. great stuff sis..enjoy the warmth cold here for days losing my tan...still shorts and tee shirt however cover with sweats...some times more than one lol

  3. Wow, your own work of the Bali boxes looks way cooler than I anticipated from the first photo. Also, love the wilderness pieces, and so glad that I'm still your favorite son, watching over you from your sewing machine. <3
