Sunday, February 5, 2012


We received an email from our golf club two days ago saying they are looking for a piece to hang over the fireplace and decided to have a juried art show. We can submit art work and they will vote on it and the winner hangs for 6 weeks in the club. You are also welcome to sell what you enter... Can you imagine what awesome exposure this is if I could enter something?! I know, right? Well, they want your work there no later than the 19th....of February!  So basically it means I would have to enter something I already have done. Darn it! Sailboats? If only I had time to make a fun southwest desert piece like my Kokopelli one. I laid awake thinking about it wondering if I could pull it off if I started right now.  The thing is I could always hang in our house and also add it to the winery might be faster than I think since I have a 'pattern' to follow. Hmmm...
Well I am off to golf today so maybe tomorrow...tomorrow is another day.


  1. Oh Scarlett, you can do it!!!!!!!!!! What a great opportunity!

  2. I was totally going to sign it Scarlett and then figured no one would get it~of course you did! This is why I love you!
    Did you read previous blog? I always worry if I blog too soon the first one gets buried! haha
    I am also thinking 'I can do it' or at least should give it the old college try. What does that mean anyway...I have always wondered. Now I sound like Harry.
