Tuesday, February 21, 2012

something intriguing here

Do you know how difficult it is to come up with fun interesting titles every post? Sometimes I stop and sign out because of it...
Been a busy week around here..the usual endless projects of course. I told my mom the other day there is simply not enough time in my day to accomplish all I want to do. Unfortunately my creative work ends up taking a back burner and that kind of makes me resent the list. I wake up early every morning saying today I wont stop and then somewhere after I finish my two cups of coffee I have wandered off into something time consuming. We have planted several more palms and a few colorful plants. Couldn't resist a big sago palm at Costco and also a not so big clementine mandarin tree. Its so loaded with blossoms I couldnt walk away but its just a baby. Hopefully one day I can simply go out to my yard for a cutie instead of the store. I am a bit hooked on them right now and that is crazy for me because I rarely eat fruit. I don't know why...just not my first choice. My bad.
We have one of our best friends arriving tomorrow for a week. I am looking fwd to her arrival and yet today I have become anxious over it. I tend to want everything to be so freaking Martha Stewart perfect and fun things planned to do that within 2-3 days I am burned out. I then stop being the fun entertaining hostess and actually quite a bit of the bitchy woman. When company leaves I can't decide if I feel more relieved they are gone or sad that I can't be a kinder person and more fun for longer. What's wrong with me?!?  We have actually had company never return after a visit and I just know its me..or Jerry talking politics. Either way we kill em. Oh well. The booze and food are free so there has to be a wash in there.
Skipping onto something I am better at...we have decided this house will be the one we use everything that means something to us and get rid of anything that doesnt fit in. These two things have been in our closets for as long as I can remember and we just keep moving them to the next life.
The violin belonged to Jerry's grandfather in MN and the guitar was my brother Rande's from his days of living in Hawaii.  I got this idea from my ever so wonderful cousin, Janet, and we love having them out and ready. Of course we need to find someone wanting to play them which has not happened yet. No matter tho I like them being part of our decor. Adds a bit of style I think...
Here is another...I have collected lighthouses since we lived in Minnesota and unfortunately everyone thought it the perfect gift for me...which of course it was at the time. Well now I have enough of them to go retail and simply no where to go with them. I went to Ebay to try and sell them but they were worthless. It seems collectibles went out with my generation...our kids want nothing tying them down and I have been told this numerous times by my boys. So instead of throwing them away we bought beautiful shelves from Pottery Barn and now they are all on display in their finest glory. I did not stop loving them or what they represent...a guiding light in a storm. Poor Jerry just knows if there is a lighthouse on our road trips, we are going by it. This is in one of our hallways and so not overbearing and just a lovely touch. It also got rid of THREE DISHPACKS in our garage and I am sure for Jerry that was worth the price of shelves.
I am plodding along on my story quilt and still loving the process but so wishing to see it come together faster. I have this vision of it when its done and think it will be amazing...I have not had the same response from friends that see it...bless Jerry for his positive comments. Yesterday I had an anxiety attack wondering what if 'my people' dont like it?!?! Being an artist is so difficult because your soul is on the laundry line for everyone to judge. Will I ever believe in me and see my worth? Probably not. Such a goofball.
Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Mama, I love art & the humanities. I have seen incredibly gorgeous art, interpretive pieces that made me really think or appreciate something, good art, mediocre art, and just plain lousy stuff. You saw that photography piece I was in. What was artistic or expressive about that?

    I would be totally honest with you, and I think that your work is dazzling. It draws the eye and is extremely visually appealing.

    I'm pleased to see what you ended up doing with the lighthouses.

  2. Love the instruments coming out of the closet! Now you need to pick up a little stand for the guitar.
    Why not take your time and enjoy the process of the piece you're working on?? I want to see pictures soon,

  3. Ky~ Thank you so much for seeing what I see when I create. We must be related! I am thinking if you find my work dazzling you should most definitely be on 'my list' for a story quilt or a theme of your chosing this year. xo
    Janet~the guitar is on a stand just not visible and much smaller than yours. Actually I think its for a large plate but it gets it off the floor. Could Neal come visit us and play them sometime?!?
    I am enjoying the process just wish more of my day was spent in my 'happy place'. There is just so much to do around here my days fly. Its a good thing and I just need to schedule time in my studio like Neal did in Ashland. 'I am working and need the time alone even tho I am in the next room' kind of thing.
