Tuesday, February 28, 2012

first rose

I finally was able to pick my first rose from my overly expensive rose garden. Nevermind that I selected this particular rose bush, Sterling Silver, because I love the lavender colored roses. Oops nursery! Nevermind that this bush has infested my garden with aphids I simply cannot get rid of. It is a very pretty rose regardless and I am hopeful the rest begin to bloom as well. I have become the struggling gardener living here...nothing seems to grow or transplant well for me. Very disappointing but I have not thrown down my gardening glove in defeat yet. One day I will figure it out.

Now I know you are all wondering if my guest has survived her week long visit with me. I must say its gone well and she still tells me she loves me on day 6. I did have a melt down while golfing but I feel it was more due to the pain I was in and the terrible golf I was playing.
I have been going to PT for the extreme pain in my neck which I have been dealing with on and off for over a year. They tell me the muscles in my neck are angry and irritated and feel like rubber bands ready to snap. I am miserable mainly because of all the things I cant do right now. Do you know just how painful swinging a golf club, holding your head up to bike ride, hiking...etc when your neck is screaming at you that your damn head weighs too much?! I just hate getting old and having life be about one ache or pain after another. I played hard when I was younger so this is killing me...Ok enough pity party. I sent my man and my bf off to play golf with another couple this morning. I am not suppose to golf right now and I thought it would be a great last day for Ingerlise. I did have this crazy thought after they left. You know how you hear about people losing their spouses to their best friends all the time? How does that happen? When do they have the time together to figure out they want to crush someone...who loves them both... so they can be together? I picture Shania Twain while I am writing this....seriously how does a man leave her for the bf?!?! I sure hope its not something simple like saying "oh you two go golfing and have fun!" haha! I am feeling confident that Jerry chewing me out after a day of shopping with her will keep her from wanting him! I will never leave him for his bf mainly because he is so much younger than me. If you dont like the aging process you see in the mirror why in the world would you go for a man years younger? Tell me Demi...how did that work out for you?!?! Ok I seem to have gone to the dark side with this post but I feel a positive swing coming in....wait for it! Phew!

This is the final block in my story quilt (26 of them!) and I must say I just love it! I am not done of course and will add details like rocks etc~ but it makes me smile. :^>
To be honest with you this is a dream I have...a small little trailer we could pull behind the Explorer and just camp along rivers and streams, beaches and lakes, forests..wherever our hearts desire. I like this idea because Buster Boy can come along which is his favorite thing to do. Jerry invested in some beautiful fly fishing equipment and I just don't see any opportunities arising to make use of it. It seems to me you need to find those cool out of the way camping spots where you just pull in and relax and enjoy the quiet. I am visualizing some hip sporting catalog with the couple looking amazing along side a lake or river and a kitty in the trailer window. Please let me be airbrushed in this photo op!!!  I know this wont happen but its still something I wish for. A cute little trailer with my family hitting the road to nowhere.

Last but not least..doorbell just rang and Grace further announced the chiming, AGH!  and it was a package from Fed EX for me! Don't you just love the excitement of opening a box in the mail and not having a clue what it is?! I know me too! I had an expensive pair of shoes fall apart way sooner than they should have and for the first time I acted on it. The box held a brand new free pair of Jambu sandals!! Woohoo...even though they are not the right color I will be happy. Just like my rose bush!!
Thanks for dropping by~


  1. LOVE the "lavender" rose!! So perfectly shaped and I don't see a single aphid. Neal is good with roses but still always deals with this thing or the other with them....seriously, I'm not sure they're worth it.
    I had a pair of Dansko's that sqeaked when I walked, they were about a yr or two old, but they were embarassing. I sent them back and received a brand new pair too! It is fun to do that and feel, even tho it is a hassel, to be taken care of by the company and get lots more time outta your shoes.
    Good luck with losing Jer to Ing......don't see such a thing happening, but if it does they'd be a fun couple to hang out with since they're two of your favortite people!! lol
    have a good day, hope your neck gets better soon!!

  2. Roses are a bit of work but I just love how they look..could you ask Neal how he dealt with the stupid aphids? I tried a different spray this morning and have crossed my fingers. When JK and IC arrived home from golf they both commented on my new shoes and how they looked too big. So I took them off and yep not only were they the wrong color but size 9 instead of 8. So now I have to send them back and of course they dont have them in right color and size. Life!
    Good point about them running off together...just as long as I get the house and the cat. hahaha
    Getting a bit of snow in WI?! Light the fire and pour the wine gf! xo
