Monday, May 7, 2012

So long...farewell...its time to say goodbye

This will be my last post and I feel kind of sad to end my year long journal. I began last June while renting in Gig Harbor and so much has changed in that year. I must admit I have enjoyed writing  because in school it was one of the few things I could do well. No math involved! I began writing though because my sons both had blogs and it seemed like such a wonderful way to keep in touch. Kind of like the 'old days' when we actually wrote letters to our friends and family and filled them with details of our lives. Emails just don't feel  nearly as personal and cell phones allow people to be called at times not convenient to a long chat.
I phoned a friend and told her I never hear from her anymore and she said 'well I read your blog and get caught up on your life and don't need to call'. That was never my intention to have me do all the 'talking' and not know anything about people that matter. As I said when blogging with the boys we were all sharing and it felt right. I want and need to know what my 11+/- followers are up to as well. I honestly think my man likes the blog because he finds out way more and its me talking when he feels like listening!  While I have enjoyed having a blog both of my boys have discontinued theirs and dont have the time to read mine so its just not the same.
Thanks for checking in and reading about our adventures and house projects for the past year.  I hope I have not bored you with my writings and please feel welcome to write or phone if you need an update! I will be delighted to share my story and listen to yours as well.
Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Aw Honey, does this mean that I will actually have to listen when you talk to me now?
    Your Man

  2. hahaha! Funny Jerry!!!
    I for one (2) will miss your blog very much!! You did a great job cuz, maybe you'll pick it up again one day.

  3. Please don't stop! I will start again now that I'm out of school!
