Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Photo taken in San Diego by John B

This is such a lovely time for a holiday and fortunately we are all 'forced' to remember our brave who have fought for our freedom. I just put out flags, a couple of banners, a wooden God Bless America plaque, said a few 'I am grateful' prayers and I have a watermelon in my fridge. I am ready...
The weather has cooled down and its lovely outside right now...feels so much better to have fresh air blowing thru our house instead of AC. I am grateful again for this day...

My man and I just returned from a 2 night camping trip with Timothy and Jammie. When the boy called me for mother's day I said I had a favor to ask. I could tell from his voice he was fearing a manual labor request...more tile? Sprinklers?.. When I asked if we could meet up at Idyllwild and camp he was immediately elated and jumped at the chance. I know how to work my boys...and we all had a great time!
We had been having some hot days above 105 so I loved sleeping all snuggled up and sitting by a campfire. We only have to go one hour to get away and I think there may be a few return trips in our future. Here are our awesome campsites in a basically empty campground...T and J have the cool condo attached to theirs...can you see Grace and I looking at them with envy?!?

Poorboys on the fire! YUM!
Breakfast in the woods...nothing better!
We went for a great hike down to Strawberry Creek and I don't know who enjoyed the creek more. The dogs were swimming, rock jumping and sliding and having the best time! Of course we were all doing the same except for swimming and it was a blast. Well worth the long walk there and back...
I just love camping for some reason...the fresh air, the working together to set up and make meals...Jammie and I blended our menus as if we had made a list. It was great fun to spend time with them in such a relaxing setting and catch up. I was a bit upset I forgot to pull out the games...I guess I am a bit rusty since we rarely camp anymore.

We left poor Buster home alone for the 3 days and he had plenty to say about it when we returned. Maybe we will find a little trailer one day so he can come along and be the cute kitty in the window in the wilderness. I would then love to spend the whole summer traveling around and stopping wherever looked fun and leaving when we were good and ready...ah retirement!
Family shot

Enjoying the creek fun

Beautiful setting..notice Wolfgang already napping!


  1. looks like it was GREAT...have fun golfing FORE....DUCK....teh gran fere LOL

    1. The camping WAS great fun and you can see we had plenty of room for you! Golf was awesome~ for some reason I wasn't so bad and broke 100. Go figure.

  2. Happy Memorial Day to you! The camping looks great. Why couldn't Buster go too? I thought he went everywhere with you guys, he's so good in the car.
    We had a nice 4 day wkend, Colony gives a couple days for Mem day. As you know we went to Chicago for a couple nights. It was awesome as ever, love that place!
    We had our neighbors from across the street (the guy works with Neal) for a "cookout" (as they say in the mid-west). The weather was super windy (Neal had a huge allergy attack) and thunderstorms were slated for the afternoon. As soon as the neighbors got here the storm started and rain came down in sheets; the likes of which we've never seen!!! Amazing!! Then after awhile it stopped, we dried off the outdoor furniture and ended up eating outside after all. Funny stuff here, we're not in the west anymore toto!
    Have a great week!
