Tuesday, July 10, 2012

just a little something

I am finding one of the most difficult issues with living in the desert is being hot. Today is suppose to top off at 115...I wouldn't know because I have not gone outside since my walk this morning. That was bad enough at 90. Grace and I both jumped in the pool as soon as we arrived back home...

Dear Abby..here is my problem...When I wake in the morning I am not a very pretty sight. So after a walk, my usual 2 cups of coffee, lifting a few arm weights, emails and this and that...I look even worse. So being who I am (girly) I go shower and get ready for the day. This includes scented lotion, make up and styling my hair. By the time I dress I am so damn hot and sweaty I feel like I need to jump in the pool. Now my just went swimming look is even worse than my just got out of bed look. What is a girl to do??!?
Signed, Hot and messy in La Quinta.

Speaking of being hot..I have been trying to find dresses to wear because basically it feels like you are running around in your underwear. I found in SLO one of those gauzy India dresses for cheap. So I wore it yesterday to run errands and thought 'hey not bad'. I opted to not wear a bra to get that really cool feeling going on...well we noticed in the car and walking into stores my dress was not only gauzy it was see thru. Also when I bent over I could see all the way to my toes...yep that's right...everything! The good news is I was in Walmart so I simply blended by wearing inappropriate attire!  There was a reason the dress was cheap and I guess it will have to stay home from now on...shees of all the luck!

We went golfing a few days ago and even though we attempted to be on the course before ten it was heating up. I think I could have managed but they had the sprinklers on all morning so now its hot AND humid. On the 3rd tee box I go to swipe at the damn bug in my ear and I catch my sapphire stud earring and it goes flying. My man and I spent about 15 min scouring the grass with no luck. Now I know I should have stayed home because it went from uncomfortable to upsetting. They were an anniversary gift and I dont take things like that lightly.

Well after nine holes of me sweating and playing worse than Lassie could with one of her legs tied behind her tail I quit. I went to my mom's and jumped in her pool and had a beer to ease my sorrow.
Jk played another nine and of course before he teed off he looked all over for my earring with no luck. The next hole parallels this one and so when his ball went that way he decided to give it one more glance. Now you know I am going to tell you he found it lying on a blade of grass. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?! I said blade of grass because I really wanted you to know this was not a BIG ol sapphire and we just were not really trying. I think its time to get in the line for lottery tickets. I can feel the possibility in my bones!! This is changing the subject a bit but our new friends Herman and Cornelia...they won $27,000 in the lottery! I know right?!? Why not us?!?!

I just began a new piece and its crazy how many ideas have come and gone. I started off wanting to have a big fish coming in one corner and littler fish swimming off scared. Once I assembled the border fabric with the water and sea grass it became so soothing I simply could not add funny fish.
A friend suggested sea turtles and bingo that is it! What could be more peaceful than the way sea turtles glide thru the water.

 Do you see what I mean? Lovely soothing colors (which of course are even better in person) and now I will add some turtles swimming to the top and a few shells etc on the bottom. Nice.
Next post will show you the progress and hopefully its spectacular!

We are going to Carlsbad tomorrow...Timothy is home from his crazy tour for 2 weeks and my mom is there with my aunt. Mary has rented a place to get out of the heat for 2 months and so its a great place to meet up and bbq right?! We are looking fwd to a break from the heat also and of course seeing the boy. Hard to believe he will be 25 this weekend...just yesterday he was this sweet little blonde angel always wanting to sit on my lap and snuggle.  While I am glad due to his size he no longer wants to sit on my lap, I miss having that unconditional nonstop love and affection only a child can offer. Most of my friends have grandchildren to fill that need but somehow my grand dog doesn't quite cut it even tho he LOVES to sit on laps!!

The other day we were in Costco and my man called me over to look at some shoes he found for me. I replied, "Babe I do not wear Costco shoes!" but I went to see what he thought I should have.
Well dang if they were not cute and absolutely perfect for me!
They are light as air, cool as a breeze, if thats possible in the desert...and absolutely perfect for my month on a lake!  Score honey!

Ok well its now cocktail time and I pretty much look fwd to this time of day all day long so must run.
Thanks for dropping by and please feel free to comment so I know you are out there.


  1. Holy mother of god!! I have those shoes!!! Of course, as always, I bought them full price at Macy's....I'm hoping yours are just cheap copies ; ) I love mine but when it's really good and hot only flip flops work for me (orthopedic of course).
    I bought a couple really light dresses, the kind you wear over a bathing suit ($5 at H&M), that I wear around the house as you described. I will wear them to the store once in awhile but I always add a bikini bathing suit top (I wear these when bras show in the summer). I bought a couple cheap at Target....I don't really wear bikinis.
    My MO is to do everything looking pretty much like shit, face washed etc., a little lite makeup if going in public, then taking that shower at the end of the day. But, as you know, I'm alone most the time so it really doesn't matter.
    I love the new piece you're working on.....I almost like it just the way it is....nothing else. It's very beautiful and soothing.
    Have fun beating the heat.

  2. "Cousins~ identical cousins all the way. They talk alike, they walk alike, at times they even wear shoes alike..." Come on sing along! Mine are J 41 and I think 39.00 at Costco. Love em!
    Oh boy do I miss H and M...we had them in Seattle but I dont see any in SoCal. I love that you can get something so reasonable (cheap) that you don't mind if it doesnt last. I did buy a t shirt in Denmark at H and M and 7 yrs later its still looking good to go.

    I think I will call it the soothing piece and it really does look good already. I just feel it needs a little more to look at and yet plan to keep it simple. I was going to send it to Tahiti for RV to sell but we shall see. I could use something soothing! :^>

  3. H and M is in So Cal....first time i ever went was at South Coast Plaza.....maybe you can find it closer.
    That is nearly a $50 better price for those shoes...we'll have to compare and contrast when you get here.
    Soothing is good too.
