Tuesday, July 24, 2012

They say things come in threes

You know the saying that bad things come in threes...well we are on number two and I am not going to lie~ I am feeling nervous as hell about our road trip and whether or number three is waiting for us.
We rented a car and dropped off the kids at mom's for the night so we could drive to SLO and retrieve our Westy. AC was working and we needed to check this off our to do list. No problems getting there other than the usual LA traffic. It was heavenly to get out of the car and feel the cool breeze and comfortable temps of central Calif. We checked in and then walked downtown to Slo Brew again. Downtown was like a ghost town compared to when we visited two weeks ago...but again it was sooo comfortable!
So yesterday morning we got up early so we could pick it up, return the car and hit the road. We are cruising down the freeway and jk says he wants to stop at the Costco we can see from the freeway to get gas. We are confused by the exits so just get off and wind thru a neighborhood trying to wind our way back to the stupid store. We come up behind a semi stopped in the neighborhood and decide to go around him. Before we can get passed he begins to move fwd and is swinging left in front of us. He hits the Westy with his truck and literally lifts it up a bit as he tightens his turn. Fortunately jk hits the gas and we try to get out of his path. I truly want to be thinner but not by being squished by a semi while in a car! His semi  proceeded to scrape, dent and bend out poor Westy from nose to tail. We cannot even open the back hatch its pushed in from the side nor does the passenger window go down very far. Since I tend to be a visual blog here are a few photos...

Ok so the silver lining...we were not hurt. It could have been worse. Its just a car. blah blah blah.

How we see it? We had for sale signs in the windows because we are ready to move on and sell it.
Now we have to spend more money we would have preferred to do something fun with (trip to Hawaii?!) in order to fix it to sell it. It will not be worth more after we fix it so that money is lost. We also feel after Ky and his 3 accidents in the jeep in six months...our ins co would not be happy to hear from us...hello??!?! Return to silver lining at this point but we are running out of cars to ruin!

Oh and the topper to this tale is that after the semi crunch and actually getting gas...I am driving and we are still about two hrs from home when the engine starts to overheat. We turn off the AC and I drive on for a bit and now a buzzer and two lights are flashing. So I pull over and jk discovers he cannot open the back hatch to the engine because of the squish. So jk checks it from the inside and we have all out fluids...we are simply hot. We had been running the AC and I guess we were taxing the system. The VW place had suggested we replace the radiator to help the car keep cooler but we decided since we are selling to fore go. Dammit! So I when it cooled down a bit I started down the road but had to pull over again before long. While we waited for it to cool down I texted timothy our story since he knows vws and basically I wanted some sympathy. We get back in and head down the road and his reply comes thru to roll down the windows and turn on the heater. We did that and MAGIC no more overheating all the way home! However we were driving in over 100 degree weather with the heater on....I do not understand how I can sweat that much and not lose weight?!?! We made it and I am sitting in my lovely AC writing this so what the heck...no worries. Wait...there is that one nagging worry...#3...
Again I am fearful of number three shoe dropping and will keep you updated on our road trip. Only FIVE days to go before we leave and its time to get serious about packing!!

OK so I am adding this little tidbit hoping we can all agree it is the dreaded number three and I am in the clear. The day we were leaving for SLO I went to put on my cute new shoes...you saw them...and as I slid my foot in it hit something hard so I pulled it out and OMG this was in squished against my sweet piggies. Only it was WAY bigger! The dreaded cockroach!!!  They call it a date beetle around here but that is just sugar coating for an ugly nasty cockroach.
Seriously could anything be more gross and reason to scream?? I think not. I say this could easily be the dreaded number three...

Thanks for dropping by.


  1. My god!!! I think it may be time to push the ol' Westie over a cliff!! That is just a horrible story, I feel so bad for you guys!!! Kinda makes me want to cry, I can only imagine how you two feel. So, leave on your trip and forget about it for awhile....tomorrow is another day!
    Please don't dwell on #3....it's just plain old superstition and the last thing you want in some self-fulfilled prophecy!! Drive safely and have fun. Breath!!
    See you soon now!

  2. We used to have to use that heater on trick to cool the engine in Greg's car.. and it always happened in the middle of summer, once in 2010 when we were in bumper-to-bumper/stopped traffic on our way to Seaside beach in Oregon (HOT!), and the 2nd time was while we were at a drive-through zoo park where the speed limit is about 10 miles per hour, and the park takes about 45+ minutes to drive through.. HOT and stuck!

    Sorry about the insurance troubles on my part : / Guess I won't be getting a car again.. probably ever. City life, here I come!
