Sunday, July 29, 2012

On the road again~

That has to be one of my favorite Willy Nelson songs and it always makes me want to road trip.
I think I started getting ready too soon this time because it seems like it has taken forever to arrive. Now that it has I am overkill ready. You know that means I have forgotten something big and impt. Thank goodness they have stores where we are going.  :^>

We have waited until the final morning to put the pod on top of the car so as not to advertise we are leaving.  Last night my man started loading stuff into the back and its kind of crazy but everything is fitting. So now the big decision this am is should we still put the pod on just in case we buy something...or to give us that less crowded feeling while driving? You know it does affect one's gas mph...I say leave it and open the sunroof whenever we can....

I am looking forward to seeing rk in two days and we will be hitting up one of my favorite places...Boulder!! Hello Pearl St....I am coming, so keep the crazy vibes cooking and the music playing!  Definitely on my top five places I would live and I don't know why because I stopped being a hippy girl in 1971. I wasn't very good at it anyway...I like make up, hairspray and bras!!
Boulder is just so quirky and fun and different from anywhere else I always enjoy a visit.

I have become a sponge lately for all the negativity in the world and feel anxious, worried and depressed often. I am going to turn off the news, stop reading the internet, only listen to positive people speak and try to find a happy place for my soul. I don't think there is a more calming place than floating on water so one more week and I can research my theory. Did I mention we have a case of wine in the car which of course we do not want to bring back. Wine on the deck watching for loons and enjoying the fish jumping...all part of my healing process...
Well here we go~ on the road again!


  1. Safe travels to you! See you in 4 days or so now. Enjoy boulder, I love that place too.

  2. safe journey you're not in the Westy so all should be good....keep it below 100 Jerry...hey to RK
