Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fall is in the air

This morning when Gracie and I went outside the lake was so still and beautiful. The air has definitely turned colder in the night and you can see the steam rising off the lakes. The water is actually still a very comfortable temperature but I am sure not for long. Now that Labor Day Weekend has passed people have begun the ritual of packing up their summer homes, storing boats and pulling out docks. When we lived here we looked forward to it because it meant a brief time of the lakes to ourselves. Now I just feel kind of sad that summer is ending. We are suppose to have a beautiful week ahead and just could not imagine ourselves packing up the car for the ride home. So we asked if we could extend our stay another week and the owners were delighted. Immediately I began inviting friends over as a last hurrah of deck sitting and visiting.
I have a new friend that has brought rhubarb out of her garden to me twice now. Its just the perfect midwest delicacy so I broke down and bought a rolling pin and here it is just in time for dinner parties! I added strawberries to sweeten the tartness of the rhubarb. Boy I hate to tell you that it ran over the sides because I was outside having a beer and forgot. Shees!
Last night I was in the kitchen making dinner and my man is yelling for me to come outside. What the heck mister~ I am busy?!! He needed a net for a fish he was reeling in and it was putting up a good fight so must be a big one! Well I could not find a net to save my life so I grabbed a laundry basket and seat cushion for a lid and off I went. A northern pike and they are just too scary the way they jump out at you! Did I mention they have been know to bite fishermen in their boats? Well here is where the story goes you see a lure with this fish? Nope. Swallowed it down to its toes and there was no way of retrieving it and releasing the fish. Kind of took the fun out of catching it but who knew?
I am not aware of any photos of me drinking a beer where I look miserable....until now!

"Oh boy honey! Can we go in there?!?"  Definitely!

I forgot to mention we made the trip to the MINNESOTA STATE FAIR last week on probably the hottest day of the summer. It was 95+ with high humidity and I was not a happy girl. It was so hot I didn't want to eat anything and seriously why bother going to the fair then? I did enjoy seeing all the quilts and feeling like my work was more than qualified to be one of them. Lots to see but mostly one food booth after another..and another....

We also had Jerry's brother and wife come visit us this weekend from SW MN so we dragged them to the Maritime Museum like we do all our guests. We absolutely love it there so don't come see us if you are not interested in old boats fixed to perfection. Its what we do here in the land of 10,000 lakes...we look at boats and dream. Speaking of boats...after a whole month here we are finally going to rent a fishing boat for a week so we can go cruising. I personally cannot wait and I am pretty sure Gracie is excited about it too. She had her first canoe ride yesterday and other than me bumping her head every time I paddled it was a big success! She has embraced the lake life as much as my man and I may have trouble getting either of them into the car for the ride back to California.
Oh by the way...we are suppose to close on the house in La Quinta Friday so it looks like an end to our homeless wandering. One of us is looking fwd to fixing up the house and making it our home. I hope to see you all there one day soon.
Thanks for dropping by!


  1. Oh yay!! I'm so happy you're getting the house now. AND the extension on the lake house, hot cha cha. Life is really sweet. Must be an IMMENSE relief to know where the frak you're going once the timer runs out on Alex.

  2. Great! Which one is looking forward to the fixing up part, you or Jerry?
    Neal has a second interview in WI in a couple weeks, they want him there 2 days so a realtor can take him wife invitation however! Still, Neal is guarded, no job offer yet. We'll see what happens. We could be (summer) state neighbors again.
