Sunday, September 25, 2011

all in the day

We have spent the week working on the house trying to remove two years of grime and get it ready for all our treasures to move in. I actually called my two bfs on Wed to tell them how much I love this place and my heart is so full of joy to have found a home. Thurs morning while still in our pjs my mom backed into our car. She seems to have trouble remembering that we are visiting and has done this before to our  other cars. It is pretty upsetting when your car is still somewhat new and pretty but what can you do? I am baffled she never backs into my brother's truck which no one would ever notice.
The day continued on a downward spiral after that... you know when you have one of those days nothing goes right? We thought we would begin the painting process with the garages so they are neat and clean from the get go. Do you know how difficult it is to paint in an oven? Seriously it was 107 outside so with the doors closed it felt the same inside. Poor Jerry....We have also realized that these very high ceilings while they look amazing will be a nightmare to paint. We made the executive decision to hire a painter because we seem to be in over our heads. No pun intended...there are plenty of other projects we need to tackle so why not get help.
We have also been attempting to find a refrigerator since ours was given to the gardener for his services. I don't know if its our age or what but we cannot seem to agree or commit to anything. After several visits to appliance stores I told my man we were not leaving without one. I could only imagine what our sons would do when they arrived with the moving trucks and there was no cold beer. Its not a pretty thought for sure and honestly we just need to check a few items off of our list. Well we did it and it arrives on we are going hunting for a washer and dryer. Hopefully this wont take quite as long...
I would post a few photos on here but its very difficult to notice the absence of dirt so nothing really has changed except how we feel about the house.
Last night the three of us (Gracie=pool pup) went swimming before dinner and then walked downtown for frozen yogurt. It was the first evening where it cooled down enough to be pleasant outside and not just sweaty hot. We were surprised to see downtown was packed with people strolling and dining in the outdoor restaurants. There was a resort-town-weekend-party feeling in the air and it made me remember how much fun the desert can be. I am looking forward to sitting outside in the evenings with candlelight listening to our waterfall and chilling.


  1. I wish I could help with the move. Je suis ravi de rendre visite à vous et votre nouvelle maison : )

  2. If I pull this page up one more time, and it says "all in the day," I'm going to be really furious.
