Saturday, September 10, 2011


Ok this is going to be short and to the point...we did not get the house in La Quinta. We crossed and dotted everything asked of us and on the day it was all to close Bank of America (their bank) did not submit the HUD forms. So it did not close even after we wired in our money and have gone to great effort. Everyone involved with the purchase of this home has dropped the ball in some way. It has been by far the most stressful purchase we have ever attempted to do.   Enough. Done. Finito. We will find something else and we will be happy. Thanks to all of my friends for caring and listening to my rants about it. As much as I do not want to be homeless I feel it is more important that we both be happy with our choice. Buying a home should be a joyous-drink good champagne-event and one that makes you smile.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly! You should be overjoyed by such a purchase. Glad you are moving on and I'm certain things will work out just the way they are supposed to.
    love and kisses to you both!
    (maybe you should start drinking champagne now for NOT getting the house)
