Friday, October 7, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Two trucks like this and a trailer to get all our stuff here.
I don't know if I could express how it feels to be reunited with the things you love and feeling like you are home better than this. Grace and Buster are so happy to be here and love their new home so far! (Can you see Buster in his house?!) Grace found her favorite toy she had not seen in months and ran thru the house as fast as she could~I wish I could muster up the same energy but completely understand her joy. I have missed my treasures because they are such a part of who I am. I know people say material things are just 'stuff' cluttering your life. For me they are memories and experiences and bookmarks of all we have done and been.

We have been working nonstop since Sunday to unload the trucks and trailer and unpack boxes and create a home. As often as we have moved we are realizing we are definitely aging and this move is taking a huge toll on us.  We are just not capable of doing all we use to and we keep asking are we ever going to stop feeling so tired? Rande said the first day, "This place is really nice~ why dont you plan on staying awhile?'   Such words of wisdom!

I am sorry but I had to share my awful bruise with you...its even worse now but I don't want to scare you off my blog. I went into the back of the truck thinking I could lift our headboard...seriously its pine and I have done it before. Well when I did, everything behind it fell forward so now I am simply trying to stop the bed from hitting the ground. It pushed me down onto the steel ramp and I was stuck lying there  because the bed fell on my foot and trapped it. Seriously not a pretty picture and my crying for help was oh so pathetic. Poor Timothy came running and tried to lift me off the ramp but my foot was still stuck. I wont bore you with all the scrapes and bruises I have acquired but again...this moving stuff is for kids.
Everyday we move a little closer to being a home and I try to remind myself to look over my shoulder at how far we have come since Sunday. Monday we set up beds for the first time and spent the night. It was heavenly to be back in our own bed again after 10 months of sleeping around. I really feel good about this place even though there are more necessary fix it projects than we can possibly get to any time soon. The best part is the weather has turned into beautiful fall temps and we can actually turn off the AC and enjoy fresh air and being outside. I think we are both looking fwd to the mild winter this year and seeing our yard come together with desert colors. Speaking of which the pool guy is suppose to come today and hopefully we get going on that big disgusting hole in the ground. There is nothing prettier than a pool and  I am going to love having a jacuzzi to relax in sitting under the stars.
First dinner in our new house!
 I will post photos tonight after another day of unpacking boxes so you can get an idea of the before and after. I hope you all like our home and actually get to come see it in person soon.
Thanks for dropping by and I am sorry its taken so long to update but I have never felt so overwhelming exhausted for so long.


  1. Yay! So happy to see your new home. It looks great so far.
    The bruise is really one to be proud of, you are so lucky not to have been really seriously hurt.
    Can't wait to see more pictures.....I agree with Rande....STAY AWHILE!!!!

  2. You get the gnarliest contusions I've ever seen, I swear. Lookin hot in the panties though, you HB!
    So looking forward to coming to your new house; how very magical. Miss you tons.
