Friday, November 11, 2011

Ta Da! The progress of our pool~

These three photos are of the pool in the dirty phase when we first arrived.

You would not believe all the black widows that were living in the jet holes.
These are after they removed the plaster...a very white powdery day for all.

These are the men pebbletecing the sides. What a science!
Done plastering and letting it dry 

Fill er up!! Woohoo!

Finally done...and how many shots did Gracie manage to get herself in?!?! Look hard she is quick! lol

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I was going to comment on Grace squeezing herself in 4-5 pictures this time; much more typical of the lady.

    Seeing your view of the mountains in the peripheral really makes me miss the desert. So pretty.

    Love the frog at the end : P
