Tuesday, March 6, 2012

One very busy week!

So on Weds. lovely Ingerlise headed back to Seattle and on Thurs our friend John B and Timothy arrived. I am not sure if I mentioned Timothy is leaving on tour this Friday with a band called Childish Gambino. Yeah, I didn't know of them either but after checking out the tour schedule I think Timothy is one very lucky guy right now! It was fun to catch up with him because when he is excited or passionate about something he talks really fast and loud. I am so proud of this fact because he got it from me! Anyway he is SOOOO excited to visit all the places they hit on the tour and I think it will be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am always so envious when some country star lets you come inside their tour bus to see what life on the road is like. Sounds like a whole lot of fun which of course it probably isn't. Just like being a flight attendant appeared so glamorous until you actually put on the nylons and tried to stay awake all night! ha!
The point of all this was we needed him to hurry and come over to help us tile because he is a professional at it. Once he leaves on tour we will probably not see him again as a worker and hopefully we are done soon! Now that the tile is completed we can replace the carpet and then work on our golf games. Sounds perfect to me!
Poor John on the other hand flew a trip to LAX and then rented a car to come see us and go hiking. He said he was trying to get away from all the projects at home and have some fun. He is a very good sport and also an amazing tile guy. Listening to him work with T and J.. I am pretty sure he had a little bit of fun as well. He and Timothy have probably not seen each other for 10 years and had a lot of catching up to do!

Here are the obligatory before photos....
hallway to powder room
Guest bathroom
Entry from garage into laundry room, mstrbdrm, powder room and into great room
Here we have the Ta Da photos! Yea!
Entry looking into powder room
Entry looking into laundry room and of course Buster! DONT STEP ON THE GROUT!!
Guest bathroom!
I can only tell you it looks amazing and so much better than the ugly worn carpet we ripped out.
Here are my fav guys hard at work! Nothing like having tile setters with engineering degrees and the perfectionism of two and a half pilots.
I will share with you next post the most awesome hike we took together the last day of their visit. I simply have to post too many photos it was so beautiful.
I had two more rose bushes blossom and this one is my favorite...Scentimental. Its absolutely delightful!! I am sharing this because we are having gale force winds and I feel confident I wont have any roses left tomorrow. I can see one bush is flat on the ground from the wind.
I never knew it was so darn windy in the desert but we have had more than our fair share. Not fun!

Last but not least....I have begun to assemble the story quilt and my worse fears have come to be. Its very difficult to sew 26 little canvases to one larger canvas and have them all lay flat and lined up. As I sew they seem to be bunching up and I have ripped out more seams today than any person ever should. Needless to say I WILL turn this baby around and it will still be amazing but I have no desire to repeat the process. I am not sure any of you actually wanted one yourself so probably not a big deal but still frustrating to the artist. Just a little bit of perfection in my work would be such a gift!
Thanks for dropping by...I believe its cocktail time at the Kamolz house!


  1. You are one lucky woman to have all those guys working away for you! What a beautiful job too!! Looks fab.
    The rose is so pretty, I love the variegated colors.
    Look forward to the hike photos.
    PS- good luck Timothy, sounds like soooo much fun!!

  2. Oh my goodness, what a difference that made! The carpet was such a weird feature to have where there are sinks, etc. Love the improvements.
