Friday, March 16, 2012

Favorite day

Well today is the beginning of my last year in the 50s. I received a happy birthday text just after midnight from my new MN friend whose bday is today as well. She is one crazy chick for sure and I kind of like that about her. My man made my favorite breakfast of blueberry pancakes and we ate outside on this perfect day. Just returned from a walk around the hood and now onto a few favorite pastimes. First thing I need to finish reading Hunger Games...I am almost done and I just couldn't stay awake last night to finish. Perhaps the last chapter while lying in the hammock...If you have not read the books I seriously think you should. Very entertaining at the least.
My mom took me out for a birthday lunch yesterday at Pacifica in Palm Desert and it was a wonderful time. We walked thru Saks and I just find it the most interesting place for people watching. I cannot afford a single item in the store and yet its packed with ladies with attitude.  I also received a phone call in the store from Timothy explaining his latest adventure and how the tour has been cancelled for 3 weeks due to Donald fracturing his foot. I felt a bit sad for Timothy because this has been a dream of his to go on tour and from what he was telling me its not at all what he expected. Lots more drama and confusion and tension than he expected and that always takes the fun out of anything. He is flying home today for a few weeks and I am sure Jammie and Wolfgang will be delighted to see his furry face! lol

Now you all know how much I love posting before and after photos...not exactly the same angle but still feels good to see all the improvements!  These were taken a year apart and John made our yard look even better but still~
I have great news to report~I graduated from Physical Therapy yesterday (with a tee shirt to boot!) and I am living pain free for the first time in about 2 months. I just need to watch how much time I spend hunched over my worktable/sewing machine and continue to do neck exercises forever. Feels so good to not hurt!
OK I am off to enjoy the day and Box Canyon hike is next post for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for birthday fun! I thought your favorite was pecan pancakes. Make up your mind, please.

    I'm bummed for Timo, though.
