Tuesday, March 13, 2012

having too much fun!

While our friend IngerLise was here she wanted to take us to one of her favorite restaurants here in LQ...The Cliffhouse. We have been wanting to try it but it never seems to work out so we were delighted to go. I found out its happy hour all night long on Sundays so of course that was the day to do it! Well it was packed and we got one of the last tables but when we sat down I noticed the lady next to us was wearing the exact same shirt I had on. Kind of awkward but I decided to just joke it up and told her she had great taste in Chico shirts! We started talking and turns out she and her husband are from MN about 40 min from Alexandria. We all continued to chat and out of the blue she asks me when my birthday is. Not sure why but we discover we share a birthday too! Well long story shorter we ended up taking them home with us for another glass of wine! I know right...who does that?! We enjoyed meeting them so much we exchanged numbers with plans to golf today. The following week we take a couple from Gig Harbor to The Cliffhouse and OMG they are there again too!
Well the golf turned into bike riding and beer and lunch at Hog's Breath...an absolutely perfect day and I cant believe how much we have in common. They also like to hike, bike, and golf so I am hoping we all stay in touch and meet up again next year. We are going to our favorite restaurant for my birthday that we have been enjoying for over 25 yrs. Since its Mary Kay's birthday as well, we asked if they wanted to join us...Jerry said he had not even finished asking and they said YES! So we will see them again to celebrate our twinness but hopefully not wearing the same outfit again!! haha!
Life is funny but oh so wonderful!
I am making great progress on my story quilt and feel quite pleased with how it is turning out. I am hoping to be done in a week, two max. Its such a wonderful feeling to see the almost finished piece and be happy with my work. This one has been a tough project but I have learned a lot and its enabled me to open up my creativity for future projects. Now to just find the time I need between friends and fun times!
I promise I will tell you about our hike in the morning over coffee. I just feel the need for a glass of wine sitting outside listening to all the birds singing. I do need to hit the store for more sunflower seeds...geez I can't believe how fast they go thru my bucket.
Thanks for dropping by!


  1. funny story!! I love how things like this happen sometimes.
    What day is your bday? How come you don't post it on fb? Happy Birthday in case it's today ; ) It's our 3rd anniversary. Neal just left for Boston to a conference and will be back on Friday. We have dinner plans for Sat. night. Boy, three yrs does go by fast but jeez has it been packed with stuff!!
    have fun in the sun....it's gonna be in the 70's here today!!!!!!!

  2. Birthday is March 16th...Friday. Happy anniversary to you! We have been watching the weather in MN and its going to be a summer like week! Woohoo! Enjoy and get outside!
