Monday, March 26, 2012

My new friend Mary Kay

Well you remember me telling you about our new friends from MN that are spending the winter here?
We were on our way home to meet them for happy hour when I received a text from her saying that they were in the ER and she had broken her leg. OH NO!!
They are leaving for home the end of this week or should I say they planned to. I spoke to her yesterday and she was in terrible going to an ortho to find out if she needs surgery.
They were out biking and her tire got caught between the grass and sidewalk and threw her down breaking her leg. Poor gf...not a fun way to end your vacation or begin a long drive home.

Here we are celebrating our twin birthday and look~ we even look alike and dress alike! haha

Hope she gets good results today and starts to heal quickly. Saying prayers!


  1. On a bright note, I'm excited you'll have another fun person to visit in Minnesota this summer

    1. OMG! We already were making plans to bike and meet in Osakis and go boating on their lake! I really like them and feel like we have known each other for a long time.
      I worry a little because you know how MN friends tend to forget you as soon as you walk out the door. Good thing they were originally from Iowa! ahahahaha!

  2. Well looks like she needs surgery and they are packing up tomorrow to go home to MN. I am sad we didn't get another chance to have fun together. Hopefully it all goes well and we can meet up this summer. Safe travels my friend.

  3. Poor thing....we've been on our bikes the last 2 weekends doing a 19 mi loop out our front door. We aren't totally comfortable around here yet and the cars that go by us periodically go pretty fast on those country roads. I am always thankful when we get home without incident! (if I do happen to go that way could you remember to say "she went out doing what she loved"? even if I can't say I actually love road biking but I do like it and being outside is really great)
    I love that you are both wearing your animal prints!!
