Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gift from heaven

Today was one of those whirlwind mornings with a quick trip to the Art Under the Umbrella fest in Old Town LQ. We were looking for a watercolor artist that has painted a big horn sheep in the past and promised us he would again. Well he was a no show so off we go to PS to golf with our friends. I dropped my man off and went to drop Grace off at Gdma's and then back to park and go golf. Well the parking lot was full so for the first time ever I parked in the PS Museum parking lot next door. I was apprehensive about leaving it there but was running late so did it anyway.
After golf Jerry drove our cart there so I could pick up the car and unload our clubs etc. There was a black range rover stopped behind my car with the door open. No biggie except the owner came hurrying over to it and I said to her what are the chances? Then I realized it was Diane Keaton! Seriously? So I ask her ( I dont know the protocol for movie stars) aren't you Diane Keaton? I know it really sounds stupid now. She says yes and I tell her I really like her work...again not sure what you say and there are a couple movies I do like. So she tells me she is on an architecture tour and how fascinating it I mention O Donnell golf course having a great history too...and we bond and then go to our cars. Well I get ready to back up but she is still in my mirror..just I get back out and ask if she minds letting me out and she apologizes. I back up and then we wave as we pass like we are girlfriends or something for at least one minute!
The very best part of this whole minute or two of my life was this. I do not know if desert living is drying me out or if its just the great aging process, but my skin is really getting loose. I feel embarrassed by it and have tried to stop wearing short sleeves thinking I must be grossing others out. I check out everyone I meet to see if they are also losing the glue that holds them together. I know everyone says the sun and yes I did enjoy my share of rays but as God as my witness I come from a whole big line of wrinkly relatives. Baby if you got bad genes there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. So I have been struggling with this issue for months and just this morning mentioned to my man how sorry I am I look this way. I know I am pathetic but tell me what aisle self confidence is on and I will buy a case. I know, right?
Well here is my greatest birthday gift that just came out of heaven to raise me up. Diane looked just like me! She had lots of smile wrinkles and her hair was completely straight..I could have hung out with her and been comfortable! I am a bit upset that she advertises this moisturizer and looks so wonderful in the ad that I honestly bought a jar of it hoping I would also look fabulous. Dont make me go get it and show you please because while it feels delightful I am still old Cher in the am.
So I feel sad that our society and media airbrushes all the flaws and aging away from the people we see and make some of us feel awful about ourselves. I feel wonderful though to have found someone else dealing with it. She says she wants her face to be authentic and show how she feels. So I wonder how she feels hanging with the Goldie Hawns etc out there that dont have anything true about them.
Maybe she feels like I do or maybe she found the aisle with self confidence galore and she is just fine with the woman in her mirror. I know I felt so much better like maybe I am just fine too.
Thanks for dropping by!  :^>


  1. You think YOU have it bad. I have Vetterli genes AND Kamolz excess skin under my eyes. Everyone remarks on my "wrinkles" and "crows feet," but I'm only 22/23. I'm not afraid to get a little surgery later if I decide it bothers me enough, but the outlook IS a little bleak. I met a guy in Seattle last week who is already getting botox and he's only 28!! That seemed way too odd for me, but I guess for his kind of people in Seattle, there is a lot of pressure to stay young-looking, especially if you're still single.

    1. Oh poor Ky you do have it bad! haha Good thing you are so adorable! The thing is not so much face aging because you can fix that...its the body aging and skin hanging loose that is killing me. I need one really big chip clip!! Botox is not a good way to go and I have yet to see anyone looking good with it. Just paralyzed!

  2. I love Diane Keaton! I has a guy tell me I reminded him of her around the time Somethings gotta give came out. I said you mean a much younger Diane .....she's 66! Problem is, I prob do look like her at 54! Damn family skin!!

    1. OMG Janet you do remind me of her! That same free spirit as well! In hindsight I should have asked to her to join us for lunch because the couple we were with own one of Liberace's old houses. She is hooked on historical homes etc.
      Its funny because when I mention this story no one gets my point..except you and Ky.
      My kindred family spirits!! It just felt great to see someone famous dealing with the same issues.
      I just need the confidence to not care and stop feeling terrible about something I have no control over.
      Miss you!

  3. I'm working on the confidence not to care......I'm not getting very far!!! We need to stick together with our wrinkles, if one of us gets 'fixed" the other will feel terrible. On the other hand if you do and it works out well it may spur me on to try it too. I am scared to go under the knife for vanity sake!! What a dumb thing to do......embrace the face!!! Hey, that could be our new slogan!!
