Friday, April 27, 2012

Its Friday already?

This week we had one of those cool retractable screen doors added to our entry and when you look towards the mountains you cannot even tell its there. It provides a wonderful cross breeze for our house and I basically am very pleased to finally have one. My man is a bit tired of me saying 'but all the neighbors have one' and it was obvious it was not on his list.
Here is Buster enjoying the view and the breeze. See what I mean about how you cannot see it?! I know, right? Very cool! I did have a neighbor suggest we add a sticker because someone had walked into theirs. What the heck look where you are going! So far Grace and Buster seem to have no problem realizing its there...

I went to a recommended dermatologist this week and she practically ran out of ink circling what she said was skin cancer. She proceeded to tell me due to Obamacare she could only biopsy 2 at a time.
So I am feeling very vulnerable lying there as she cuts and sutures me twice and wishing she wouldn't.  I went home angry because I felt it was overkill for topical cancers and I will have scars now AND we dont have Obamacare! What the heck?! I have to return in 2 weeks to remove the sutures and to remove her from my life. I am still feeling angry at her process and words...yet because I had melanoma I am forced to find another doctor willing to help me be proactive. Why do there have to be so many lunatics in the medical field?!? You will thank me for not posting a photo of my neck cut...poor Ky had to be 'my person' and receive that shot.Ugh.

My man and I golfed yesterday and it was an absolutely perfect day out. 80 and cool breeze and I finally did not suck at golf. I think I was less distracted because no friends to talk to... I slowed down my swing process and worked on not looking up during putting. Went home feeling encouraged and that is the first time this season. I have been secretly wishing we would quit the club so I would not have to continue to hate myself for not improving. Golf is so unforgiving and only a good round makes one want to return.
I am also going to share a story that definitely does not make me look good but is a wonderful lesson in life. We were playing behind a threesome and they were so darn slow it felt like we would hit our ball and then wait forever for them to progress enough for us to hit again. If you golf you know what I mean. Ugh. Then every hole they would drive their 2 carts right up to the green and park them. This was making us crazy angry because for everyone coming after them their carts leave tire grooves and changed the course our balls might take to the flag. Its proper etiquette to not drive to the greens...or at least not to the approach...park on the side.
So for 18 holes we are complaining and waiting...ok maybe we didnt complain all 18 holes...So when we finish I go in the pro shop and begin to tattle on the member asking who he was and explaining why we were upset. So I am told well he might have been having a bad day because his wife is in the hospital and not doing well...ok well now I feel bad but it gets worse. Once a year he takes these two friends golfing and he told our pro he was dreading it of them is practically blind and the other is deaf and he is miserable the whole round but they look fwd to it.
Can you still see me? Could I possibly feel smaller and more petty? No I dont think so. So here is our lesson for the day/week/year...dont be so quick to judge someone because you never know what battles they are fighting. I wish I could say I am glad I could be of service reminding you all of this but I only wish I had never walked into the pro shop and opened my mouth.
Speaking of opening my mouth...we have been having neighborhood parties every month or so. Its kind of a word of mouth sort of thing and everyone brings something to share and to drink and there are usually 20+ peeps. Well at the last one, after a couple glasses of wine, I volunteered our place for the last one. Why? At the time it seemed fine but its tonight and I SOOOO do not want to do it.
Will I ever learn? Probably not...
Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Oh nooooo!!!! Talk about a foot-in-mouth situation. That happens. I joked with some guy about him being "such an alcoholic" recently, but then realized he might actually have a problem and probably doesn't feel nice having people remark about it.

    I think you'll be glad you had the party : )

  2. Oh hi,
    You know how much we loved our retractable screens in the cottage, they're awesome. Glad you got it.
    I love the golf story! It is such a lovely, gentle reminder for you (well, maybe not so gentle for you) and all of us, your readers, to take life a little slower, be more generous and patient. Where are we going anyway?? Hell, we're retired!
    Lastly....I'm sorry to say, I'm glad you got a conservative dermatologist! Skin cancer is dangerous and you (and I) HAVE to be very, very careful! You want to live a long life cuz, use your sunscreen and cover up! You know I only say this because I care : )
