Friday, June 24, 2011

Big Fat Headache...

I do not know if having a headache all night long and well into today is what is affecting my mood or if I am simply defeated. I know I sounded excited in my post about Lake Almanor but today I am so frustrated with this house deal I could scream. We were suppose to be moving into it in one week and instead we have been waiting another two weeks for the bank to make a flipping decision. Seriously? Yes or no! So I figure its Friday I will contact our realtor, Ditzy Deise and see what is going on. Her number is no longer in service. Really? REALLY?! My brother keeps saying to me that the fact that the house is not going thru might be a sign. I am pretty sure having your realtor disconnect her phone and not tell you is like getting hit over the head with a frying pan kind of sign. I guess we need to move onto Plan B and dammit if I dont have one. All the excitement is gone from this house and it has become a stupid bad dream that refuses to end.
We are off to the paint store...I have been doing some creative furniture painting that I will share with you next post. Thanks for letting me vent. Suggestions are welcome for that evasive plan B. 


  1. What a goofus! Were you able to get a hold of Fatima instead? That house is really beautiful, so I still hope you get it. I don't know what another solution could be.

  2. I received a text from Ditz last night and she said still no word from the bank. She was shocked that I thought she had quit. Whatever.
    My headache is gone and today seems brighter. Well actually its still gray outside! We will drive to Lake Almanor and have 2 weeks of fun on the water and in the sunshine. I will worry about the rest of July when it gets here. Thanks for caring!
