Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day!

I have noticed this past week on facebook many of my friends have their dad's photo for profile. I feel badly I don't even know where I might have a photo of my dad and for sure not on my computer. I don't want to give the impression he wasn't impt to me growing up but honestly it all seems so long ago.
So to celebrate my favorite dad, Jerry, we drove up to Bainbridge Island to meet Philip, Kim, Sarah and Megan for a very late brunch. I was very anxious and worried about this meeting because we do not have a great relationship. However we are only here for a month and its almost over so off we went.

 I must say it went extremely well and it felt exactly like it should when you are with your grown up son and his family. The two little girls are 2 1/2 and almost one and couldn't be cuter. We enjoyed the opportunity to try and make a memory for them of who we are. The sad part is who knows when we will ever see them again. I am also feeling a bit sad that I didn't appear in any of the photos especially when I was having a really good hair day. I just hate to not capture me on those rare days and I would really have enjoyed having a photo of the 4 of us. What are you going to do? Just smile....!
On a brighter note Ky gave his dad a gift certificate to Tides Tavern here in Gig Harbor and we are so looking forward to our cold beers with fish and chips! What a perfect gift from a sweet young man. I guess the thing I like best about fathers day is the dad in my life gave me three sons to love.


  1. This post is so sweet. Thanks for the shout out. I love Far.
    The pictures with the girls are really good, and he looks mega happy in the one with Megan.

  2. What a nice day, glad it went well! Sorry about the missed good hair day ; )
