Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sea glass

The other day my man drove me to Port Townsend just so I could scour the beaches for sea glass. If I was ever to live in Washington again in would be in PT...I just feel good when I am there.
I don't understand my fascination with sea glass and my willingness to spend hours bent over searching for its tiny discarded pieces. I guess I relate sea glass to one's life~you begin all shiny, new and perfect. Then life begins to toss you around and sometimes treat you badly with its lessons and finally you lay upon the shore. I like to think someone will still find the beauty in you no matter what your size or color and want to treasure you forever.
This is how much I have collected so far..we found a few larger pieces on a Whidbey Island beach. Jerry even found two small pieces of pottery which is oh so cool! I am thinking I may try to find a small drill so I can actually make art with some of these. Otherwise I just like how they look in a  large shell or glass jar.

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