Thursday, July 21, 2011

Moving the boy.

We left Lake Almanor Tues morning to drive up to Eugene to pack up the boy. I know he is feeling a bit sad that his amazing grand plan did not work out. What can I say except it happens to us all sometime. We also seem to be the kind of parents that show up when you hit a rough patch. Pretty sure when its our turn to move SOMEWHERE he will be busy but no one said life is fair.
We then drove from Eugene to Gig Harbor on Wed. and have spent two nights with our dear friend Ingerlise. Today we went thru our four storage units shopping for furniture etc so he can begin again.  I must say I have had a knot in my stomach about giving him so many of my family antiques. Our kids generation seems to be very disposable and lacking a desire to hold onto things. They may be right but I happen to adore pieces with history and the details of the past. I hope he understands that and is compassionate enough to take care of my treasures...or at least return them when he no longer does. I understand I need to have less in my life but its not an easy lesson to learn. I wanted to include a can of Pledge but could tell I was getting on his last nerve.
Grace and I both had a rough time today being surrounded by the bits and pieces we call our life. She managed to lay in most of the dog beds she could find in storage including her favorite chair. Its time for us to find home asap and settle in.
I did realize after 24 hrs or less in OR I could never live there. I am addicted to the idea of buying where there is not sales tax. I look at EVERYTHING as a deal because I dont have to pay sales tax and became the ultimate consumer. Not pretty I must say.
Tomorrow we each jump into a vehicle and head to the other side of the lovely state of Washington. I am trusting my St Christopher keeps all three drivers safe on the road and delivers us to Pullman with smiles. Ok that is pushing my luck but I am really tired and enjoyed the idea of us all being happy again.


  1. Safe travels to all of you! Let me know where you're heading next...MN?

  2. Hey, I have helped you guys move stuff from Gig to Kirkland and back again. So did Timothy.
    Thanks for all the help with the move. Life is coming along almost instantly here, which it simply did not down in Eugene : /

  3. I only implied you would not be able to return the favor and I am more than aware of how many moves you have been forced to participate in! Too many for sure! I was delighted to help you get back to where you should be! :^>
