Friday, July 15, 2011

Oy vay what a week its been.

I had the worse night sleep Tuesday trying so hard to figure out the best plan to make the rest of our summer a big success. I laid awake from 0200 on and upon rising at 0630 in order to get to work I felt jubilant that I had it! I actually strutted my way down thru the campsites to the Frosty anxious to tell Linda my awesome plan. Here's the deal...we want to change out our cars and stuff and the Explorer is in San Diego at friends. We need to help Ky move back to Pullman from Eugene next week and we want to spend the month of Aug in MN on a lake. How to do it all with some kind of flow?! I came up with the brilliant idea that we would leave here this weekend and drive straight thru to SD. Get organized and repack car and then leave on Tues heading up to Eugene. Then we could rent a trailer to pull behind the Explorer and save mucho bucks over a moving truck. Then we would head up to Gig Harbor and go thru storage for furniture for Ky to use and grab MN essentials like our fishing poles and lake toys. Drive thru WA to Pullman...drop the boy off with all his worldly possessions and head out for MN. A friend had found a house for sale that was willing to rent to us for the entire month! Score~flow~happiness!
How can one's life completely change around in 24 hrs and be so devastating? I dont know but it did.
We found out our friend in SD where our car is residing has entered hospice and may die any day. U Haul will not rent a trailer to anyone driving an Explorer due to a lawsuit. The owners of the house have decided they want to use it so the rental is off. My wonderful plan went down in flames. KABOOM~
So I guess I will give you the half ass update as of today...we are still going down to SD and hopefully nothing terrible happens while we are there. We still need to help Ky move so we will head up to Eugene and I guess rent the trailer with the jeep as dumb as that rule is. We will drive to Gig Harbor and onto  Pullman with the boy and then ....I don't know. I guess at this point we hope the La Quinta house comes thru because I am drained trying to be so flexible and adventurous. Fingers crossed this plan is without a hitch and something else comes up by Pullman.

I feel I would be remiss not to mention my middle boy turned 24 yesterday. I can still remember clearly my first vision of him in his bassinet with his sweet widow's peak in clear blond hair and pouty lips pursed at the idea of being rushed to join us. He was perfect and adorable to me and I loved how his name Timothy sounded coming out of my mouth as I introduced him to the world.  I became very sick from the spinal and could not sit up to hold him so his dad took over and they were inseparable. I have always wondered if that time together created a bond that exists even today. Of my boys he was the affectionate one that had to be held and loved the most. If there was an empty lap he was in it.  He was and is a very special person and if I was ever on a deserted island I would choose him to join me. He does anything and everything effortlessly. I am sad he is now just Tim but I smile when I call his cell and hear "hey this is Timothy." To me he always will be~ Happy birthday sweet boy! Hope its a year dreams come are more than due!
Cheers to you!

1 comment:

  1. Oy Vay is right!!!! The best laid plans......what a life you guys are living. You are not meant to settle down yet, I guess.
    If the house is LQ is not ready maybe you can stay with your mom again until it is??
    Drive safely and remember to enjoy each day, these are the good ol' days, remember. You two will look back on this year fondly!!
